I do not think that could have been said any better by the best "Word of Faith" preacher around. I add an AMEN to it. Psa.91 "... with LONG life will I SATISFY him...." Enjoy being with mom until she is at least a healthy 120!turbosat: First let me add my prayers for you and mother also. We are people of faith here to and I see from these posts that at least some of the members are too. It impressed me that A you were open enough to ask for prayer and B that the site responded so well to it. I think this speaks well for the group as a whole. Ive been reading this site for awhile not and I see the community spirit that others mentioned. Turbosat the bible says were two or more are gathered in my name, their prayers will be heard!...think of the compounding affect the good folks of this site will have on you and moms health. Worry no more, just trust!
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