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Special request from Turbosat

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Today they have cut the oxygen back to 50%, and the pulmonologist says they will begin to cut it back slowly, even more over the next few days to see how she responds. She said mom sounds better (stethoscope sound I mean) and looks better too. (this was a stand=in pulmonary dr who had not seen her for nearly 2 weeks, the reg pulmo dr was on holiday today). Of course she can't talk with the feeding tube in, and the tracheostomy but she can smile and give us some facial expressions.
Her heart rate has spiked a few times and even stopped for a few seconds on two nights, cardiologist says it is not abnormal for a new trach-patient to do that, that if you cough, or 'breath against' the machine it sometimes causes a minor spike. Her color is better, and extremeties are now warmer to the touch. We continue to be hopeful and urge her to fight on whenever we visit. Thanks again for caring, and for your kind thoughts and prayers.
Glad to hear the news, hope your mom continues to improve. Take care of yourself, this must be incredibly stressful on your system, to have it drag out so long. If possible try to get your mind off it occasionally to give yourself a breather.....I know that probably is quite difficult.
Get Well Soon!


I hope your mom gets well soon. I wanted to give you some advice.

My mom died in 2002 and my dad died in 2004. My mom was healthy and died suddenly. My dad was ill and lingered.

My mom had lost a lot of weight before she died (irregular heart beat caused a stroke). I always have believed it was her devotion to my dad and her constant attention to him while he was ill that caused her sudden death.

A one time, I told her that she needed to take care of herself or she might not be able to help my dad. She should live a little and she could help my dad more.

But she did not listen. She was a truly devoted wife.

My best advice to you, too, is to find time to enjoy life, too. You are obviously a devoted son and noone knows beter than me that a person needs an advocate in a hospital. But, you need to be strong and that requires that you do some things for yourself, too.

On another note, these lung related illnesses are really going around. I have a friend who just got out of intensive care.

Take care.
Thanks much, I do keep that in mind, though it really is hard to disengage completely. I feel much better than in the beginning, and try to keep active here at home, doing the usual chores of yardwork, minor work on the house, etc.
They continue to say she is improving, last night the nurse said my mom was doing
the breathing on her own, even though she is still connected to the machine (she said 'they don't have her on a 'rate' now , and her blood oxygen was showing 95%, other vitals good.) Drs said today 'she is still headed in the right direction'.
She is really wanting to come home, and it is hard to have to tell her that she must be patient, as soon as they think she's ready, that she will come on home.
I appreciate all the advice, prayers and thoughts very much.
I didn't mean to suggest...

that you should disengage completely. But, have time for yourself.

I am happy your mom is doing better.

I know its hard. I've been there, too. As we get older, we take care of our parents. Its a difficult part of life.

My dad needed a nursing home for a year and a half. But, all he wanted to do was go home. It broke my heart everytime he asked.

But, your mom would not want you to become ill; her joy is in seeing her child flourish.

Hang in there...
some better news

Mom's doing much better this week, her pulmonologist said she was his 'star patient' lol. She had been breathing on her own for 3-4days but got hooked back up to the vent for a couple of nights, to rest her healing lungs a bit. But today he came in and looked at the numbers, said she didn't need it any more, and had it removed from her room. She is still getting oxygen at 50% but I believe the nurse said his instruction was to cut it back to 40 tonite or this afternoon. She was resting ok at 1pm when I went by. Trach tube is still attached, hope they will get that out in a few days so she can start learning to talk again. (she gets so frustrated -her two dumb sons never learned to read lips! lol)
The doctor said he would start her on some light rehab in a day or two, also, and has ended her antibiotics. She looks much better and it is encouraging to all of us.
*she was watching the hockey game last night, but said she fell asleep before that last OT, hehe.
So, once again, thank you all for thinking of us, praying , etc because it definitely has helped. I'll post again soon!
Very glad to hear of her progress and that she is doing well. Make sure to keep your well being and get lots of rest. I can only imagine it has taken a toll on yourself, and she will need your help and encouragement once her rehab begins.
Wishing you and your mother the very best ....Larry
Wow they gave my mom her first real food today, starting with breakfast!! She's starting out with small portions, etc but seems to be getting re-acquainted with solid food. Still has the feeding tube, but her Dr told her it was coming out Monday.
Also told her she may be getting moved to rehab wing in about a week, if her progress continues. She's getting occupational and physical therapy for about 5days now, light exercises and movements in bed. We're hopeful she can be standing and walking again soon, but we know it may take some time. Many thanks, again, to everyone who thought of her, and us, someday I'm going to print out this entire thread for her to read.
cool. You just keep giving us the updates and we'll keep on a prayin :)
glad your mom is getting better
MOM and I are thanking God for complete recovery - complete restoration! God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven! There is no sickness in heaven. The moment you get to heaven, all symptoms of sickness have to disappear. Thy will be done on earth as it is (already being done) in heaven.
Out of ICU today!!!!!

My mom has been transferred out of medical icu today. We got word yesterday it was going to happen-of course she couldn't wait! She still has the trach-tube, and some oxygen ( I believe it was on 35% yesterday) but her drs say she is getting stronger. Feeding herself now, and we hope soon she will be getting more able to move around. She's sat up a few times on the side of the bed, with a little help for balance, she has come a long way from April 27. And all your kind prayers and thoughts have had a LOT to do with that-again, we thank you.

Today the drs told my mom they hoped to have her ready to go by end of the next week. She has been in the Medical Observation unit for sev days now, lungs much clearer, and she's getting more movement back in her. Told her they hope to have the trach-tube out by midweek, the oxygen-assist is down pretty low now, I think about 30%. She will be coming back to our hometown for a 3wk rehab program, or so the plan is right now. It's been a rough ride for all of us, I think I've lost 15lbs since my pants are now getting saggy. (Yeah I know-I gotta get busy eating again)
At least its not such a big worry on my mind as it was.
I'll post again soon, and thanks much for all your support-it really has helped.
Sounds like your mother is a fighter! Keep praying that the Lord will continue to strengthen her and to heal her. I am a strong believer in prayer.
YEAAAHHHHHH they took out the trachea-tube today, got the little tubes in her nose now. Though I don't know what amount of oxygen that carries, I forgot to take my glasses in tonight so I couldn't read the dial. They told her she might be on the way to the rehab place here in our town Wed if her lab work looked good in the morning!!
I hope she writes a book someday about this ordeal and makes a million lol.
ps-I CAN get in to my 32 jeans again now, hehe, haven't done that in 8-10yrs.. glad I saved most of them. I'm eating better now , so those 32s prob won't be around long, unless I'm really careful.
Thanks for all the positive comments and prayers, they mean everything!
turbosat: First let me add my prayers for you and mother also. We are people of faith here to and I see from these posts that at least some of the members are too. It impressed me that A you were open enough to ask for prayer and B that the site responded so well to it. I think this speaks well for the group as a whole. Ive been reading this site for awhile not and I see the community spirit that others mentioned. Turbosat the bible says were two or more are gathered in my name, their prayers will be heard!...think of the compounding affect the good folks of this site will have on you and moms health. Worry no more, just trust!
turbosat: First let me add my prayers for you and mother also. We are people of faith here to and I see from these posts that at least some of the members are too. It impressed me that A you were open enough to ask for prayer and B that the site responded so well to it. I think this speaks well for the group as a whole. Ive been reading this site for awhile not and I see the community spirit that others mentioned. Turbosat the bible says were two or more are gathered in my name, their prayers will be heard!...think of the compounding affect the good folks of this site will have on you and moms health. Worry no more, just trust!
I do not think that could have been said any better by the best "Word of Faith" preacher around. I add an AMEN to it. Psa.91 "... with LONG life will I SATISFY him...." Enjoy being with mom until she is at least a healthy 120!

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