Well, i will wait until i comes to another venue...
"The need to be right is the sign of a vulgar mind"
"The need to be right is the sign of a vulgar mind"
Or wait until the end of the season, pay 5.99 and watch them all at once.Well, i will wait until i comes to another venue...
"The need to be right is the sign of a vulgar mind"
Anyone watch the “shorts” fillers?
I'm guessing the US/Canada is still locked out of the 1080p HDR with 5.1 audio that Netflix is giving the rest of the world for Discovery
Because by then the copyright lawsuit was settled and star fleet was forced to retire it and pay damages to the descendants of the guy who made the Tardigraves game.Well, the spore drive is back, although that does not surprise me, and I expect it to hang around for most of the series before we get an explanation as to why it never went into widespread usage.
If anyone cares, CBS put up the first episode of Season 2 on Youtube for free.
Evidently they left the comments section open, and many people have told them what they really thought of the show.Huh, maybe stumping for more subs, because everybody left after last season ended?
HAIL TO YOU ALL! Doomcock is amazed to see how unwisely CBS has allowed all ye who have gathered here the chance to publicly voice your feelings about STD at last. The comments section may not be open long, so I advise everyone to be honest and sincerely voice your opinions, pro or con. I believe CBS may be ready to listen to you now. CBS, as for MY opinion, Star Trek Discovery is a DISGRACE. It is a perversion of everything Star Trek stood for in the past, and a betrayal of Gene Roddenberry's vision of a bright and optimistic future. This show is not merely bad Trek, it is terrible entertainment, so filled with nonsense and logical lapses it is an insult not merely to viewers, but to human cognition. It is long past time to end this miserable show, get rid of the people making it such a public embarrassment, reunify your company, make Trek whole, disavow this abomination as the work of Q, and start again. There are still fans who care, but you are killing them off as surely as you are killing Star Trek. You are truly running out of time, if indeed any time remains. Stop this madness. Respect your fans. And restore Star Trek to its former glory.
I've seen a few of Doomcock's videos. He's pretty entertaining. It was on one of his video's that I found out about CBS putting up the episode.I have found a haven in the muck of dreck. The comments are more entertaining and enlightening than the show.
I have found a haven in the muck of dreck. The comments are more entertaining and enlightening than the show.
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