This is what I hate about dish customer service representative, they never listen to you. Why is starz hd blackout?
Katherine (ID: EH9): Hi, my name is Katherine (ID: EH9). How may I help you?
me: Why is starz hd programming blackout
Katherine (ID: EH9): I'm sorry to hear that you're having a technical issue. I will be happy to resolve that for you. Please give me a moment to bring up your account.
Katherine (ID: EH9): Can you please describe exactly what is on the television screen now? If there is an on screen message, please include the 3 digit number found in the top right corner.
me: on channel 350, when i go to starz hd its not programming is not available in my area
Katherine (ID: EH9): Thank you. Please hold.
me: It has the blackout symbol, when i select info
Katherine (ID: EH9): Okay. Is there a 3 digit number on the upper right corner of the message that the programming is not available?
me: 744
Katherine (ID: EH9): How long have you been experiencing this problem?
me: I really dont know
Katherine (ID: EH9): Okay.
me: is it because I live in hawaii?
Katherine (ID: EH9): Are you watching a game on that channel?
me: I know certain hd channels are available
me: do you really work for dish or what
Katherine (ID: EH9): This occurs when broadcasters, sporting leagues, and in some cases, local and state governments determine when and where blackouts are going to be used. Blackouts are never determined by DISH Network.
me: i said channel 350
me: thats a movie channel
Katherine (ID: EH9): But if you are getting a 744 error message, that means that the channel was blacked out by the broadcasters or the channel owners.
Katherine (ID: EH9): What I am going to do is fill out a Technical Problem report for your issue. Unfortunately, setting up a replacement or a technician visit to your home will not correct the issue. The report I am going to fill out will be forwarded directly to our engineering department so they can research the issue and correct it going forward, which most likely will take place through software update to your receiver. These updates happen automatically so there is nothing more you need to do other than keep your receiver plugged in as normal. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
me: no problem, thank you
Katherine (ID: EH9): You're welcome. Thank you for your patience.
Katherine (ID: EH9): We also offer various DISH Perks an exclusive program that provides DISH customers a lot of extras at no additional cost. You can visit to see a lineup of the latest freebies. Many perks are available for your benefit.
Katherine (ID: EH9): What else can I help you with today?
Offer me perks and all that, wow. Before you do that listen to your customers, I already have the american everything pak.

Offer me perks and all that, wow. Before you do that listen to your customers, I already have the american everything pak.