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Stay away from Value Electronics!

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Original poster
Sep 19, 2004
Cedar Rapids, IA
I know VE is a sponsor here, and in fact, that is why I choose them to get my equipment.

I have been monitoring this forum awhile in preparation for moving from cable to D*. Since they are generally regarded as service oriented, I went with them 1 month ago or so when I decided to purchase equipment and installation.

To keep it simple, the installer they contracted with subbed out his work to a guy more local( Cedar Rapids,IA) . He came out to do the job said he would need more equipment than he had with him.(5x8) He said he would come back. I spoke with him in advance and told him to bring one since it would be needed and he said 'let me take a look first'. Whatever.

I needed a SD tivo with an additional cabel run, a HD Tivo , an antenna(square shooter) a 5x8 multiswitch. He said he could do my job in 45 min. Not my install. Told him to come back when he could devote more time to do things correctly. I was willing to pay substanially more for these extras, and told him as much. He said he would come back in two days with the multiswitch. No return no call either.

Called VE about it multiple times. They said they would try the original guy in Des Moines and get back with me. They did not call back. Finally I became sick of it all and did it myself. I called back VE. Told them I wanted a refund for some of the funds since I did the install myself with ZERO help from them.

I was told that they would refund the money once I faxed them a D* receipt. I did this last week and asked them to fax back a receipt of the refund. Again, I haven't heard back. This was sent Tues of last week.

I have made in excess of ten phone calls to these people with very little than a 'we'll call you back' response. This is unacceptable. I am paying for a service. I would have used a local distrib if I knew this was their way of doing business. Why go out of state for equipment? I was of the belief that they had great service from the comments I read previously. I hope you all have received better service b/c I have regretted using them from the beginning.

Just a word from someone who hasn't had the best luck with them. Beware. They get a big Thumbs Down.
Thats very sad to hear, I know hundreds of people who ordered from them and have not had any problems.

I would try giving them a call on more time and asking for Robert, also tell them your a SatelliteGuys member. I am sure he can help you out. :)
So you're holding VE responsible for the actions of a subcontractor? I could see if VE sent you the wrong equipment, but the sub is to blame.
OP didn't buy from the sub ... whether the sub is to blame or not. As a fulfillment contractor (covering 2/3 of MN out of three offices) I can tell you here and now that if we provided service like that to any of our fulfillment partner's customers they would put us on notice after the second phone call to the originating dealer. Not to mention it would seem that only part of the OP's problem was with the sub, the rest were made by lack of follow through by the originating dealer.
VE hires subcontractors locally to provide install. They are a defacto extension of VE. The guys they hire should do the work and do it well. i agree that I am holding VE responsible for this. I contacted them to have them contact the sub to staighten things out. They said they would do that and did not.

They have three of my phone numbers, this could not have been a problem of not being able to contact me.

If the guys they use for installation provide poor service, you bet i'll hold VE responsible. They were given a chance to make things right multiple times and did not. I spoke with at least one man and a lady by the name of Wendy on more than one occasion.

In fact I am airing this dirty laundry here simply b/c they are a sponsor here and I want people to here a story that all is not rosey at VE.

I would not use them again.

Not that I will have to since I now have the equipment and its working thanks to MY installation.

Thanks to the forum by the way, it helped me know what to do and when.
caterpa said:
I know VE is a sponsor here, and in fact, that is why I choose them to get my equipment.

To keep it simple, the installer they contracted with subbed out his work to a guy more local( Cedar Rapids,IA) . He came out to do the job said he would need more equipment than he had with him.(5x8) He said he would come back. I spoke with him in advance and told him to bring one since it would be needed and he said 'let me take a look first'. Whatever.

I'm curious; I thought the switch (5x8 in this case) was sent out with the equipment. That is, I thought that it was the company whom you purchased from that provided the 5x8 switch and not the installer?

Am I wrong? I'll be needing a 5x8 switch myself; the shipment was already delivered (by someone other than VE), but we are not allowed to open the box. Am I supposed to rely on the installer to provide the switch?
GaryPen said:
You are not allowed to open the box???

Correct; it must be opened by a "professional installer" only. From the horrid reviews of installers lately, I'm beginning to think that I may qualify, myself :).
caterpa said:
I spoke with at least one man and a lady by the name of Wendy on more than one occasion.

Caterpa -

Wendy is the owner's (Robert Zohn) wife.

I'm surprised they couldnt assist you, because VE performed a great install on my system.
If I wouldn't have opened the boxes, they would still be sitting there!

I could have ordered the 5x8 from VE but bought it locally instead.

I am sure that alot of you have gotten what you ordered from them and for that I am glad. I am most upset about the communication from them. I was told a few times by them that they would do something, call back etc...and it didn't happen.

Maybe I'll take Scott's advice......
Well I for one will not be too put off of VE simply because of what's been posted here.
I've seen many many posts from more than satisfied individuals, and just this one poor one.

Seems to me like there are some other factors involved that were somewhat glossed over. Such as the installer coming out, and essentially being told not to perform the installation.

I guess thats neither here nor there, just pointing out that there might be more to the story than meets the eye.
Inspect'rGadget said:
... just pointing out that there might be more to the story than meets the eye.
I totally agree.

I personally worked with VE to get my new setup, and Wendy was my sales person. VE was there for me every step of the way, as is the case with most of us SatelliteGuys members.
I have several posts on here praising VE for their commitment to customer service.

When I see posts like this... flaming a company I have had success with... I have to say that I dont believe things happened the way I was told. I refuse to accept there was a conspiricy to keep this member from getting the services he paid for, more often then not the person complaining was to blame, on some level, regardless of how blameless they may paint themselves.
It's kind of odd that Robert hasn't responded here. He usually jumps in on threads like this. It would be nice to hear both sides. (I'm still researching vendors for my possible switch to D*.)

It seems rather a simple thing to credit the guy for the install, even if Robert loses money on this transaction. It doesn't matter that the sub f-ed up. It's VE's responsibility as top level vendor on the transaction, to do right for the customer. It sucks. But, that's part of owning a business.
They installed for me last week- and did a great job. Two thumbs up here... looks like you just got a sub-cont that was smokin dope that day.
GaryPen said:
It's kind of odd that Robert hasn't responded here ... that's part of owning a business.

Not saying it's all true but I am suprised that there has been no response too. I don't think he should take a hit on it ... the sub should take the hit if they made the mistake!

Robert ... you out there?
as i used to own my satellite business and working full time in another career i had 2 full time installers working for me. u are the one that is responsible for the quantity of your installer worker and if u are not going to follow that idea its time to go and change career paths and to get out of the satellite business and go to work for someone else as your business is not to be successful at all.

i have seen some of the best installs in the world and have also seen of the worst in my time. but that customer is yours and does deserve the calls returns and some respect. that is my 2 cents worth and hoping i have not hurt any feeling.
Sorry I have not responded sooner as I am on a DIRECTV business trip in Orange County, CA for the launch of Saigon Broadcasting Television Network (SBTN) and this is the first moment I have had to get on the Internet.

My company is 100% responsible for everything that goes on related to the 100% satisfaction of your delivery and installation. I am very sad to read this thread and assure you that that you will be more than fairly compensated for any problem and your trouble.

We do an excellent job recruiting our independent satellite technicians, however, rarely, we do experience a less than expected installation. It's my job to make every customer 100% satisfied and do it prom ply.

I'm off to the Long Beach airport, but be assured that I will personally take care of this tomorrow morning.

I look forward to hearing from you on this you certainly have my phone number. I don't want anything other than a refund of some amount as a credit towards install. In fact at this point even that doesn't matter much.

When I spoke to Wendy she said she would credit me. I just haven't heard anything from her about it despite asking her to fax me back something to verify that this in fact had been done. Nothing in the mail either in the last 7 days.......

In regard to some of the other comments about things being glossed over etc...I certainly am only telling my side of the story for that's all I can tell. I think some of the problems relate to an East Coast company trying to line up an installer in Iowa.

When I spoke to a man there about this, I assume Robert, on one occasion he was equally upset about his sub subcontracting the work to a more local guy. He was understanding in this respect. He did tell me however, he would speak with the original VE sub(Des Moines) and get back to me. You know the rest.....


To the guy who said I sent the installer away, I didn't. He and I spoke on the phone after he had been to my house and surveyed the situation and left. He said he could do the work in 45 min. and would come back another day with the multiswitch.

Could the best installer:
install the dish and antenna,
run 4 cables from the dish,
1 from the antenna,
1 for the extra Tivo input into my house,
crimp them all,
put up a 5x8,
ground the dish and antenna,
aim the dish,
install 3 receivers,
and go over it all with me in 45 min?

I trust that anyone on this board would send a guy home who said that. I didn't even do that. I just told him to come back the next day when he could spend more time. (His initial visit at ny house was at 4 pm) Again, I offered to pay for the non standard install.....

When I did the install myself it took me 12 hours. Now that is as an untrained DIY'er but the point is the same. If you were bidding the work how much time would you allow?

Sorry about the rant I felt I had to defend myself somewhat. Maybe the fact I just watched the Veep debate didn't help, LOL.
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