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Stay Away From Voom! | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Stay Away From Voom!

Thanks Brewerdude!

brewerdude said:
Ahh, don't be so hard on the guy. He was pissed off at the time and wanted to vent. I didn't have great install experience, and posted my story of woe when I found out my install was still two weeks away after already waiting a month. Since then Voom's been installed and it works great. It does have its quirks, but nothing earth shattering. In retrospect I feel kinda silly for posting that Voom flame. But at the time, I sure was pissed off! What's that about hindsight being 20/20...

Basically, this information is what I wanted. This apparently is normal for Voom.

Am I venting? Sure, but at the same time information is being shared that is factual.

If you have good information, please share it. If your a blog geek, please go to a forum where nothing except your own mouth is important.

So the last key question, Do you think it is acceptable to wait three days to get a box activated? Is that reasonable..... I don't think so.
riffjim4069 said:
If it ain't in the Oxford English Dictionary, then it ain't a word. :rolleyes:
Sorry, couldn't resist: :D

ain't ( P ) Pronunciation Key (nt)

1. Contraction of am not.
2. Used also as a contraction for are not, is not, has not, and have not.

Usage Note: Ain't has a long history of controversy. It first appeared in 1778, evolving from an earlier an't, which arose almost a century earlier as a contraction of are not and am not. In fact, ain't arose at the tail end of an era that saw the introduction of a number of our most common contractions, including don't and won't. But while don't and won't eventually became accepted at all levels of speech and writing, ain't was to receive a barrage of criticism in the 19th century for having no set sequence of words from which it can be contracted and for being a "vulgarism," that is, a term used by the lower classes, although an't at least had been originally used by the upper classes as well. At the same time ain't's uses were multiplying to include has not, have not, and is not, by influence of forms like ha'n't and i'n't. It may be that these extended uses helped fuel the negative reaction. Whatever the case, criticism of ain't by usage commentators and teachers has not subsided, and the use of ain't is often regarded as a sign of ignorance. ·But despite all the attempts to ban it, ain't continues to enjoy extensive use in speech. Even educated and upper-class speakers see no substitute in folksy expressions such as Say it ain't so and You ain't seen nothin' yet. ·The stigmatization of ain't leaves us with no happy alternative for use in first-person questions. The widely used aren't I? though illogical, was found acceptable for use in speech by a majority of the Usage Panel in an earlier survey, but in writing there is no acceptable substitute for the stilted am I not?
ponder said:
I have an opinion..... Voom still sucks.
Hey! You are absolutely correct: Voom sucks! They are sucking customers away from E* & D*, they are sucking up every HD channel that comes along, they are sucking money out of my wallet. :yes Man, I sure am glad Voom sucks. ;)
Nice Try.....

At least true hackers have some class......

Meanwhile, back on topic (imagine that!), Voom actually admitted that they lost (read "erased") the numbers on boxes and are trying to recover them.

They have pro-rated out the month and given a sizeable rebate for their screw up. Even given this, I am still contemplating letting this one go to a disconnect. Critical problems with their thinking still exist. Why did they let these boxes out when they discovered they lost the numbers?

A simple, initial brief in the first phone call telling the consumer they are having "inventory" problems and it will take some time would have sufficed, Heck - they don't even have to give a reason.
Ponder, thanks for the warning...

ponder said:
...I can whole-heartedly warn everybody in this forum to stay away from Voom until they're out of diapers and have grown up... A LOT!

And I can whole-heartedly warn everybody in this forum to take all your future posts "with a grain of salt". :)
Speaking of language. I am of the "Local Dialect School" where the gramatical rules of your dialect take presidence over the "Queen's" or proper language and no dialect should dictate the rules of the entire language. Oxford and Websters are both based on regional dialects as the "correct" language.

If irregardless is of common use and follows the rules of your local dialect (normally the local dialect rules are understood and aren't written down), then it is entirely correct and proper for you to use and no one has the right to tell you it is incorrect because they are basing their own judgements on the rules of their own dialect.

I wouldn't call it "sucking customers away"
I'd say we were "suckerd"
I dread calling Dtv back and hearing them laughing and saying I told you so......sucker
So far the Voom box is acting just like it should. I'm getting every channel I was promised and the picture looks quite well.

The only little quibble I have is the picture being off to the left a little but I can deal with that. I would rather fix it of course. The OTA stations look MUCH MUCH better than the ones on Directv. Compression really does kill the PQ on Directv.
bryan27 said:
Speaking of language. I am of the "Local Dialect School" where the gramatical rules of your dialect take presidence over the "Queen's" or proper language and no dialect should dictate the rules of the entire language. :D
Kiss my grits, Clyde, check out this and see how this thread looks in Redneck Speak. :D

Just click the Dialectize button. If you want to try another page, just copy the link and paste it in the box and hit Dialectize again. I practically split a gut reading this thread.
ponder said:
Basically, this information is what I wanted. This apparently is normal for Voom.

Am I venting? Sure, but at the same time information is being shared that is factual. .
Bologna, the only goal you achieved was to post a thread titled "stay away from voom". You think you are the first to have problems? believe me we have heard them before. ANd No critical information has been shared in this thread.

ponder said:
If you have good information, please share it. If your a blog geek, please go to a forum where nothing except your own mouth is important..
After a couple days of forum membership you are telling anyone that thinks this type of knee jerk post is juvenile to go take a hike? TOO funny.

ponder said:
So the last key question, Do you think it is acceptable to wait three days to get a box activated? Is that reasonable..... I don't think so.
Your installer had a bad or illegal box. BIG F$ckin Deal. BOO F$ckin Hoo. I think we should take up a pity collection because his service was delayed 3 days. And Id suggest you grow up.

ponder said:
I can whole-heartedly warn everybody in this forum to stay away from Voom until they're out of diapers and have grown up... A LOT!
When does your diaper come off?
And here vurbano is your answers in redneck,hope you have a sense of humor :yes :no

Originally Posted by ponder
Basically, this information is what I wanted. This apparently is normal for Voom.

Am I venting? Sure, but at the same time information is being shared that is factual. .

Bologna, th' only goal yo' achieved was t'post a thread titled "stay away fum voom". Yo' reckon yer th' fust t'have problems? believe me we haf heard them befo'e. ANd No critical info'mashun has been shared in this hyar thread, cuss it all t' tarnation.

Originally Posted by ponder
If you have good information, please share it. If your a blog geek, please go to a forum where nothing except your own mouth is important..

Af'er a couple days of fo'um membership yer tellyng ennyone thet reckons this hyar type of knee jerk post is juvenile t'go take a hike? TOO funny.

Originally Posted by ponder
So the last key question, Do you think it is acceptable to wait three days to get a box activated? Is that reasonable..... I don't think so.

Yer installer had a bad o' illegal box. BIG F$ckin Deal, ah reckon. BOO F$uckin Hoo. ah reckon we sh'd take up a pity colleckshun on account o' his service was delayed 3 days. An' Id suggess yo' grow up.

Originally Posted by ponder

I can whole-heartedly warn everybody in this forum to stay away from Voom until they're out of diapers and have grown up... A LOT!

When does yer diaper come off?
Fella, ah jest love this hyar frickin Redneck Speak, it's so dadburned hilarious, gives me a jowl bestin mouth splittin' laugh.
I have a feeling this could get bad,real bad.
Redneck:ah have a feelin' this hyar c'd git bad,real bad, cuss it all t' tarnation.
Jive:I gots some feelin' dis could dig baaaad,real baaaad.
Cockney:I 'ave a feelin' this could cop bad,real bad.
Swedish Chief:I hefe-a a feeleeng thees cuoold get bed,reel bed. Bork bork bork!
Pig Latin:Iyay avehay ayay eelingfay isthay ouldcay etgay adbay,ealray adbay.
Hacker:I AHVE A F3EILNG THIS COULD GET BaD,REA7 BAQD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~ OLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11~~~
Moron:Bob Haller
Neutron said:
The OTA stations look MUCH MUCH better than the ones on Directv. Compression really does kill the PQ on Directv.

Anyway, getting away from redneck speak :D Funny though,

Neutron, any signal going directly through the air is going to me better than any signal that has to be processed, changed, and altered before getting to you.

Analog OTA locals is going to look much better than analog locals that have been processed, placed on another channel, sent through coax, signal amped every 1000 ft, until it gets to you.

Locals on DBS are received via analog to the local receive facility, processed and compressed digitally into a fiber optic line and sent to up link where it is further processed and compressed.

Of course an uncompressed digital signal sent through the air and received in it's uncompressed glory is going to look much better than a signal that has been messed with.

The problem is that cable and DBS has made most people used to crappy PQ. More so with cable as it spans generations. People say things like antennas are 50's technology, but it is still and has always been the best way to receive the best picture and it is going to be true after the digital transition too.
A good OTA Analog signal also blows away a good SD OTA Digital signal. There is much more detail and color depth than SD digital. I can hardly stand to watch SD digital it looks so awful.

Give me HD or give me death.
bryan27 said:
any signal going directly through the air is going to me better than any signal that has to be processed, changed, and altered before getting to you.
Wrong. I would much prefer a processed sat signal of PBSHD opposed to the crap PBSHD I get OTA after 3 SD subchannels are cut out of it. careful with the word "any".:D

Discovery HDT + Voom Originals = worth $23/month?

Voom STB front display

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