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Stay with Fios or go back to DTV? | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Stay with Fios or go back to DTV?

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Moxi only works with cable correct? Not sat systems?

Correct - it also does NOT work with any OTA signals.
Also, if your cable system is NOT all digital, (if you have analog channels NOT duplicated digitally) then you'll have to order their analog tuner module.

The HD Tivo does not have either of these issues...
Correct - it also does NOT work with any OTA signals.
Also, if your cable system is NOT all digital, (if you have analog channels NOT duplicated digitally) then you'll have to order their analog tuner module.

The HD Tivo does not have either of these issues...

Moxi will not work with Telco as well? Uverse/Fios?

Thanks again. Looks like a great machine...
OK ,Just to clairify, You seem to recommend using Tivo Boxes with Fios Service? Correct?
If I had the option to go with Fios, Which many including myself ,don't have the option at all to do so. What would 3 Tivo HD DVRs cost me upfront ,and what would the addtional monthly fee's cost me?

I currently have 2 Vip 622 and 1 722k. I want to keep the same setup 3 rooms HD DVR and 2 SD DVR. The 722 is only used in 1 room in single mode.

Last Time I checked Tivo 100 hour HD DVR cost $600.
Thats $1800 for 3 room of HD DVR.
Worst case for a 5 room setup with D* 3 HD DVD 2-SD DVR would cost you $800. Thats if No discounts are givin.

My E* Setup at worst would cost $750 for 2 leased and 1 owned HD DVR.

So my Question . Is paying $1000 extra in DVR's Just to have a decent DVR selection worth the difference in HD PQ. I say no! Fios is about $50 better the D* and $75 better then E* in HD PQ.
Yes you'll own these Tivos, But they will never work with any Satellite company, and only some cable companys ever give you the Tivo option.
So if I have to pay for Verizon Fios, Then pay Tivo $600 to buy a GOOD HD DVR, Whats Verizon going to give me for not using their crappy HD DVR?
Not starting a fight with you, But why would using Tivos make any sence,over using D* equipment,Service,and HD PQ.?
I think a Channel line up and slightly better HD PQ, isn't enough to settle for poor equipment, and to put it nicely, Unpredictable,technical and customer service department.
I don't have much time so here are the bullets:

- FiOS TV has 117 national HD channels, E* has 87 if you include if you do not include HD-Lite. Some people don't mind HD-Lite, but the numbers speak for themselves. Official AVS National HD Channel Lineups - Cable/DBS/Fiber/IPTV - Updated 10/26/09! - AVS Forum
-FiOS TV offers 10 HD locals...more than double E*.
- I paid $200 for my brand new TivoHD and $79 for a 500GB hard-drive ($279 for a 660GB HD DVR). Not sure why you would pay $600 for a TivoHD?
- Since you're comparing full price then I have three 622s sitting in my closet that cost over $1500. Needless to say, they are not being used.
- FiOS TV Extreme HD, 20/5 internet and phone cost $173 per month (and that inlcluded a bunch of movie channels, a Verizon HD DVR, and two cable cards for a Tivo and Sony HD DVR, and two free SD adapters). We were paying about $120 for similar E* programming (minus all the HD) with two DVRs.
- You failed to mention multiple received and DVR fees with E*.
- My FiOS (all three services) have experienced not one second of downtime in the past 21-months.
- V* has 30-117 more HD national channels (depending on your appetite for HD-Lite)
- V* has 6 more local HD channels
- V* is a much better bundled value
- V* and TivoHD is an excellent/competitive product (almost as good as the VIP DVR)
- Overall, V* costs much less than E* when you bundle TV and Internet.
- Again, there is no reason to pay more than $300 for a new Tivo.

However, if you're happy with E*'s overpriced HD-Lite then by all means stay the course...the VIP DVR is outstanding!
Ditto...stay with FiOS TV and get yourself a TivoHD. There are a number of us former D* and E* customers who have FiOS and TivoHD (in the Verizon FiOS Forum) and we are extremely satisfied with the service.
ditto. If I still had D* Id be without service the last 48 hours.
I don't have much time so here are the bullets:

-FiOS TV offers 10 HD locals...more than double E*.
- I paid $200 for my brand new TivoHD and $79 for a 500GB hard-drive ($279 for a 660GB HD DVR). Not sure why you would pay $600 for a TivoHD?
Well $599 right from Tivo site.

Or $299 for a 20 Hour DVR.

And Show us all a link for a $200 HD DVR Tivo that has more then 20 hours recording.
And Here is the fine print.

So Sugar coat it all you want, But facts are above, and Fios with Tivo ,don't make it at all a bargon.
Oh and lets not forget your External Hard drive from Tivo.
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- You failed to mention multiple received and DVR fees with E*.
- My FiOS (all three services) have experienced not one second of downtime in the past 21-months.
3 722's with Everything pack are $14 per month in fee's. So you failed to mention Tivos $13 per month fee , Just to use a Tivo.:rolleyes:
Got anything else?
With E* AEP its $102.99
+ $10 HD including platinum
and $14 for 3 722K,s
Thats a Total of $126.99
So Sugar coat it all you want, But facts are above.
No need to sugar coat the sweet HD picture (SD too!), sweet reliability, and sweet savings of having FiOS. ;) As far as paying full-retail...I can't recall anyone in the FiOS TV forum paying anywhere close to full-retail for their TivoHD setup. Additionally, although it is hard to put a price tag on quality, let's just say the best service (check the JDPower survey and others if you wish) is also the better value. ;)

Again, if you wish to pay be it. The DVR Expander is sold in dozens of discount electronic stores. For example, the 1TB WD My DVR Expander is sold on for $199.99 (as you mentioned), however you failed to mention that it also sells for $129.00 w/free shipping on - hmmm...if I combine the $219.00 TiVO HD w/free shipping I found online with the $129.00 1TB eSATA drive, that gives me a 1.16TB TivoHD for $348.00 vice the 1TB Tivo XL you would buy at Tivo for $599.99

Anyway, I just noticed the price of the MoxiHD was reduced to $499. The unit comes with lifetime service which makes it cheaper to own than a TivoHD, and competitively priced with the 722 since there are no monthly DVR and additional receiver fees.

In my opinion, FiOS is a superior service and a better overall value...although it's probably more expensive to purchase multiple Tivos whilte not bundling services. The FiOS DVR is lackluster, but the TivoHD picks up the slack. As I mentioned many times before...we enjoyed E* service (provided a good value) and loved their VIP DVRs.. However, their HD-Lite is an absolute eye-sore and I just couldn't watch it any longer. I would gladly considering signing-up with E* (still have three 622s) just as long as they improve their picture quality.

and Fios with Tivo ,don't make it at all a bargon
Again, it's hard to place a value on quality...but I would feel gypped knowing that I paid my hard-earned money for TurboHD only to discover there is nothing HD about it. FiOS TV provides 117 National HD channels and 10 HD locals. What a bargain!
3 722's with Everything pack are $14 per month in fee's. So you failed to mention Tivos $13 per month fee , Just to use a Tivo.:rolleyes:
Got anything else?
With E* AEP its $102.99
+ $10 HD including platinum
and $14 for 3 722K,s
Thats a Total of $126.99
I don't like the Tivo fees...that's why I only have one. Plus, it costs me nothing to use my 2006 model 500GB Sony HD DVR with FiOS. Additionally, you are not considering the bundled the savings I mentioned. Being a former E* AEP subscriber, I have a strong feeling a comparable E* programming package, broadband Internet service, and phone would be considerably more than the FiOS Triple Play.

Let's see if I have this're paying $136.99 for your 87 TurboHD-Lite channels with 722s while I am paying $173.00 for 117 pristine ExtremeHD channels (1 FiOS HD DVR, 1 TivoHD, 1 Sony HD DVR)?

...oh, I almost forgot the additional $45 ($10 for Tivo service) also covers our 20/5 Internet service and unlimited phone service.

Also, don't forget the EchoStar "tru2way" T2200S is currently being beta tested by some cable companies. It would be schweet if FiOS were to license a non-tru2way model.

The $499 MoxiHD is expandable to 6.5TB on eSATA storage (not that cheesy and slow USB).

Finally, I can understand your confusion since you never actually had FiOS service.
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I don't like the Tivo fees...that's why I only have one. Plus, it costs me nothing to use my 2006 model 500GB Sony HD DVR with FiOS. Additionally, you are not considering the bundled the savings I mentioned. Being a former E* AEP subscriber, I have a strong feeling a comparable E* programming package, broadband Internet service, and phone would be considerably more than the FiOS Triple Play.

Let's see if I have this're paying $136.99 for your 87 TurboHD-Lite channels with 722s while I am paying $173.00 for 117 pristine ExtremeHD channels (1 FiOS HD DVR, 1 TivoHD, 1 Sony HD DVR)?

Finally, I can understand your confusion since you never actually had FiOS service.
There is no confusion. Fios with Tivo service is EXPENSIVE. Bottom Line!. And without the Tivo service Fios is nothing. But a Fancy cable company.

I know Tivos are good, But TIVO isn't Verzion, or Fios. So if I have to buy my own Equipment for ,Lets just say $ 400-500 per Tivo DVR with Expander, and $13 per month Each X3. Don't forget that needs to be included with your Fios monthly fees.

At least with E* or D* your Getting 3 HD DVRs for $400 -$600 that will run circles around the TIVO's. E* I need one expander, for $99-$129 per month only that will work with all 3 of my E* HD DVRs..
Can the Tivo's do that?

May have a slight atvantage with recording capacity over D*, But lets not forget who Tivo worked with for years.
And I stll want to see a link for a Tivo with atleast 100 hours of HD recording for less then $498. Thats Brand new. Not someone elses refurbished junk.
Sorry but Verzion Fios can't be the best if you have to Call Tivo for equipment , because your provider's equipment sucks.
Tivo isn't FIOS. And TIVO isn't cheap. So lets not try and convince people that it is.
Yes Fios is a Good HD programming source if you don't want DVRs.
But I want to see your price Breakdown of your fios Service.
Well I did some verizon Pricing Yesterday. And this is how it Turned out.

$57.99 Gives me the top base package Fios offers. Not Bad!
Thats about 86 HD channels Not including VOD or PPV.
OK then I'm looking at $35 for every Premium Movie channel. Sounds Great yep!!
Not I'm looking at just over 130 HD Channels. Fantastic!

One small Problem starts, NFL Red Zone is $29.99 , I hope thats not Per month??

Now an even bigger problem.
I have 6 rooms of service with E*, But I really only use 5 so, I priced 3 HD DVRs and 2 SD DVRS. and BAM! BAM BAM!
$19.99 PER MONTH for 1 Media HD DVR Thats 20 hours pethedic HD hours and 80 SD. WOW what a steal.
It gets worse. Now I have to pay $9.99 per month Each for 2 more HD receivers,and $5.99 per month Each for 2 SD receivers.So I have to share one 20 hour DVR with 5 Rooms?
Lets Just say If I went with Tivo's What the monthly fee's then?

So that comes to a total price of
So My question is what is included besides 15/5 internet. Free phone service as well?

Help me Understand "Riff"
I need a break down. We all need to see one of these Fios Bills
FiOs is definitely a better value than D*.

First to your questions, Red Zone is $ 49.99 per season, it is now $ 29.99 because the season is half over. It is not a monthly fee.

TiVo is $ 12.95 per month or $ 129 if paid annually (there are other discount plans for 2, 3 or lifetime of the DEVICE - not you!).
You also have to pay $ 3.99 for a cable card (I have first Series 3 DVR, so it needs 2 cards to record 2 programs at once, newer modules only need 1).

I am also trying the Media DVR (free for 3 months but normally $ 19.99). It is decent DVR and convenient to be able to watch programs in multiple rooms. The only caveat is limitied capacity and it is not as versatile or user friendly as TiVo. The capacity question is less important if you use the On Demand features of your premium channels so you don't really need to record as many shows - just watch them when you want.

My TV is bundled with Phone and Internet (20/5). It is reliable and fast.

Here is my detailed bill:

High Definition STB Rental 2 at 9.99 $19.98
Home Media DVR - High Definition $19.99
HMDVR - Free for 90 Days thru Dec 21, 2009 -$19.99
Digital Adapter $3.99
Standard STB Rental $5.99
Cable Card Rental 2 at 3.99 $7.98
Movie/HBO/Cinemax Package $30.00
FiOS TV Extreme HD $57.99
FiOS TV Extreme HD Discount -$17.00
Total Full Month Charges $108.93

Verizon Phone - 39.21
Verizon Online - 40.99

Total - 199.16

As you can see, I have 2 HD receivers, a Tivo (I 2 need cable cards but you will only need 1), a digital adapter (that is used for a small TV over the bar - no room for a large box) and a standard STB for the office. I have every possible premium (and FiOS gives you every possible channel from HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and Starz/Encore -- unlike D*!). And ALL of the premium movie channels are in HD.

So, I HIGHLY recommend FiOS if you can get it. I really see little to recommend D* over FiOS, other than its superior sports offerings (although if you are Flyers fan you can't get local Comcast broadcasts - but you can with FIOS!).

So, to sum up, I am very happy with FiOS and will be happy to answer questions via private mail if necessary.
FiOs is definitely a better value than D*.

First to your questions, Red Zone is $ 49.99 per season, it is now $ 29.99 because the season is half over. It is not a monthly fee.

TiVo is $ 12.95 per month or $ 129 if paid annually (there are other discount plans for 2, 3 or lifetime of the DEVICE - not you!).
You also have to pay $ 3.99 for a cable card (I have first Series 3 DVR, so it needs 2 cards to record 2 programs at once, newer modules only need 1).

I am also trying the Media DVR (free for 3 months but normally $ 19.99). It is decent DVR and convenient to be able to watch programs in multiple rooms. The only caveat is limitied capacity and it is not as versatile or user friendly as TiVo. The capacity question is less important if you use the On Demand features of your premium channels so you don't really need to record as many shows - just watch them when you want.

My TV is bundled with Phone and Internet (20/5). It is reliable and fast.

Here is my detailed bill:

High Definition STB Rental 2 at 9.99 $19.98
Home Media DVR - High Definition $19.99
HMDVR - Free for 90 Days thru Dec 21, 2009 -$19.99
Digital Adapter $3.99
Standard STB Rental $5.99
Cable Card Rental 2 at 3.99 $7.98
Movie/HBO/Cinemax Package $30.00
FiOS TV Extreme HD $57.99
FiOS TV Extreme HD Discount -$17.00
Total Full Month Charges $108.93

Verizon Phone - 39.21
Verizon Online - 40.99

Total - 199.16

As you can see, I have 2 HD receivers, a Tivo (I 2 need cable cards but you will only need 1), a digital adapter (that is used for a small TV over the bar - no room for a large box) and a standard STB for the office. I have every possible premium (and FiOS gives you every possible channel from HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and Starz/Encore -- unlike D*!). And ALL of the premium movie channels are in HD.

So, I HIGHLY recommend FiOS if you can get it. I really see little to recommend D* over FiOS, other than its superior sports offerings (although if you are Flyers fan you can't get local Comcast broadcasts - but you can with FIOS!).

So, to sum up, I am very happy with FiOS and will be happy to answer questions via private mail if necessary.
So $230 per month.:)
Sorry ,But you can count promo prices.
NFL red Zone with E* is only $24 for the season, not $49.
So my Breakdown is as follows.
$132.98 Americas Everything pack
Thats includes HD DVR service in 3 Rooms as well as SD/DVR in 2 rooms with Red Zone and multi sports pack.
Vonage is $33 per month Unlimited long distance, call forward, caller ID as well as a limited international package.
And Verizon High Speed 3 Mbps
$29.99 per month.

I'll stick with my Dish Network.
Ok, but remember both D* and E* don't have all the ALL the premiums in HD, a big advantage to me. So you should think about that. And FiOS is starting up EPIX HDEpixHD - Big On Any Screen - a combined scheduled movie service with on-demand features; the big difference with EPIX is that you can watch shows on your computer, cell phone or portable device and you can share shows or movies with up to 4 friends on their computers. That is pretty good value at $9.99 (I may add it to replace Starz). Also, did you notice I have 20Mbs download and 5 Mps upload - those are big advantages over 3 MBbs. Oh, and sorry, unless E* gave you a deal, Red zone is $ 49.95 a year:
DISH Network - 1.888.825.2557

I think you must have joined mid-season, as the 24.95 is the half-season price like I said.

Ok, off my soap box but I would recommend you give FiOs a try or visit a friend who has it. It is a great value.
Ok, but remember both D* and E* don't have all the ALL the premiums in HD, a big advantage to me. So you should think about that. And FiOS is starting up EPIX HDEpixHD - Big On Any Screen - a combined scheduled movie service with on-demand features; the big difference with EPIX is that you can watch shows on your computer, cell phone or portable device and you can share shows or movies with up to 4 friends on their computers. That is pretty good value at $9.99 (I may add it to replace Starz). Also, did you notice I have 20Mbs download and 5 Mps upload - those are big advantages over 3 MBbs. Oh, and sorry, unless E* gave you a deal, Red zone is $ 49.95 a year:
DISH Network - 1.888.825.2557

I think you must have joined mid-season, as the 24.95 is the half-season price like I said.

Ok, off my soap box but I would recommend you give FiOs a try or visit a friend who has it. It is a great value.
ReD Zone is only on during Football season, so Not quite sure why you would pay E* $49.95 per year. I pay $6 per month for 4 months. After that Football is over . If you would have read what you posted, you would have seen that $49.95 is for the Multi sports pack for the year which includes Red Zone Channel. And as far as Download speed and upload speeds, Its only as good as your equipment.
ReD Zone is only on during Football season, so Not quite sure why you would pay E* $49.95 per year. I pay $6 per month for 4 months. After that Football is over. And as far as Download speed and upload speeds, Its only as good as your equipment.

Verizon FIOS speeds are as accurate as they come. 25/15 is what it is.
When I lived in VA I had FIOS and I have to admit that the clarity was great and the INTERNET speeds were better than advertised. I do miss it, but seeing as how NH does have offer FIOS I went with DTV and I love it too. I never plan on switching back to CABLE, but if I was forced to FIOS, I would be fine with it.
that is the 24.95 + taxes right ?
Yes, The $33 per month thats including the taxes and fees for my state.
Verizon Couldn't Touch that price with their phone service.
Thats why I switch to Vonage. I have a Basic Fax line with Verizon for my business, and it cost me $24 per month with Verizon. When I decide to Change my Business number , I'll be using Vonage for my Fax as well for $9.99 per month.
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