ive tryed n looked i cant find a true person who knows how to hook up my fta motor system so i guess im gonna give up looking and keep it stationary thanks for everyones help threw it
ive tryed every thing in the book on that and then some;it also seems if i pull up alittle more right now on my dish i get even a stronger signal on g10 right now im pushing 83 level and 64 quility on the lower side and upper im even getting as high as 81 percent level and 76 percent quility but when i put motor on set in in same direction bang its gone
1. Make sure your mounting pole is perfectly plumb. Use a level all the way around.
2. Set your motor elevation according to your zipcode or location coordinates.
Your coordinates can be found at google earth and many other internet sites.
3. Look at the chart that comes with your motor and set the declination angle.
some dishes are off a little in their marks so you will have to play with this one.
4. Find your true south or Zenith satellite. Here where I live 83W is my true south.
Have a member here give you an active tranponder frequency and symbol rate
to manually program into your recieiver.
5. snug the clamps on motor to the pole but not tight. turn the whole assembly until you start
seeing signal quality. Turn it really slow and have a tv and the receiver outside with the dish.
6. One of those cheap little signal meters can help a little after you get the gain knob adjusted down so when you see the needle jump up a little you are hitting something.
it may not be the right satellite but it will get you close.
tweak the declination angle (dish elevation adjustment on the dish) to peak max signal.
You are done. Everything else will fall into place if you have a good line of sight across the arc.
Good luck - Don't give up!!
Most satellite dish installers today know nothing about steerable or tracked dish systems. They only know fixed dish ku band stuff.
They have no concept of actuator setup.
Don't give up! It will give you so much more of what FTA has to offer.
What kind of h-h motor?
Did you for sure plumb and level the pole?
Does the motor measure plumb and level after you hang everything?
Did you set your latitude on the motor scale?
Did you do a zero reset according to the manual you got with the motor? Or did you do that by what someone told you?
FIRST - set your motor to zero with the receiver, confirm zero. Then goto G18, confirm on motor scale. Then rotate and lift for signal. Peak and lock it down.
Your motor may not do USALS. If not take lat and lon out of receiver and use Diseqc 1.2
Did you set your dish elevation according to the manual?
i even had installers inform me i couldnt get g 10 and i did just bye looking in the sky aiming and pointing the dish and i have the sg6000 motor wineguard dish 90 cm and also a quil lnb that picks up l n r and h and v which i didnt place on new lnb yet
ya i got that hooked up earlier outside and it seemed to move so its more setting it finding the right settings all that good stuff then arcing it is my main problem
-punctuation can be a key. It helps separate sentences and doesnt make it sound like your rambling
-use the enter key to separate the thoughts. Again, makes it easier to read
lol sorry about that iceberg . I somtimes dont look at everything before i send it , still had alot of issues , so i kept the motor off ,and i still have a fantastic qulity and leval .I talked with a installer in the charleston area his only problem is getting the time to do it .bye the time he arrives i should be a pro after following all your suggestions or i tossed the motor into the ( atlantic ocean )
If your installer has trouble with the motor tracking the arc, have him check the motor azimuth scale for G18. For zip code 29577 it should read 49.4 degrees. some motors in the SG series don't do USALS and may move as far as 10 degrees beyond the correct position.
Zip Code 29577 data Latitude = 33.6981, Longitude = -78.9033 Lat = 33 degrees, 41.9 minutes North Long = 78 degrees, 54.2 minutes West Pointing a satellite TV dish at the Satellite at 123 West orbit longitude