dankgus said:
I was just reading about Windows Media Center and how it has this feature. It occured to me that Voom has a phone jack and modem and may even have the circuitry inside to ID callers. If so, that should be an option in the settings menu.
Why stop there? Any device with sound and video should have a phone in it. You plug in a phone cable, it displays caller id, and it switches sound from the current input device to the phone, and plays the incoming phone call on the speakers, and it has a microphone, that can be turned on and off from the remote, that allows you to hold your conversation while seated at the couch, or walking around the room. And the remote has a red and green button similar to our cell phones. press red to hang up, and green to initiate a call. Voice recognition is to the point where it can recognize simple names and numbers, you could have a whole address book stored and dial people by names, or you could speak the number, and initiate a call. And ad a digital answering machine while we're at it.
This can't be that hard, and I have seen most of the enabling tech in other devices for years! This is a small piece of the convergence I've been waiting for, for years!
It should be in the A/V receivers, or be a nice little add on box that can plug in to an available video input, but if Voom can integrate this, I'd be in futuristic heaven! Ok, well, it would only be minor thrill, but it would still be cool!