I am looking at switching to D* and was wondering about the referral discounts along with all of these listed here.
If I use a customers account number and sign up, it will reduce my bill $10 for 10 months, correct?
I noticed on D* website under the referral info that you can have 10 referrals on your account in a 12 month period. So does that mean I could (in theory) get $10 for the new customer referral for 10 months and then get up to $100 off a month ($10/customer referred) for 10 months with a total of $110 off a month?
That sounds crazy and I feel like I am missing something...
Actually I just opened IE instead of FireFox and still see it there.
I think you can only have 10 total in a year, not 11.
Right, yes 10 total in a year. The "eleventh" one was the discount I would get for being a new customer using the referral code of another current customer. So then would it really be 9?
Yes, I think that's how it works. I think you can only have 10 total, including your own from the signup. I haven't gotten close to 10 to say for sure though...LOL
I noticed the website says that the current referral program ends 7/21...do you think they will continue the $10 one or go to something else?
To get the package discounts (such as months 1-12, 13-24) does the service have to be installed by the date the offer expires? I've looked around and I don't really see a flat out answer.
Same thing here, works in IE. It shows 3 days left for the promotion, so yes it's on the 21st.
I had to submit my Directv order to Bing last Monday. Today I got an email saying that the merchant can cancel the cashback reward. For those of you that have submitted the order in PDF to Bing, is that a canned response from them? The credit is showing now as pending, hope to get it.
This is the email:
I apologize that you have not yet seen your cashback rewards in your cashback account. We have credited this purchase to your Bing cashback account, pending merchant approval. Please note that, because a discount was applied to this purchase, there is a possibility that the merchant may find your purchase ineligible for cashback rewards. Should this be the case, your cashback may be cancelled by the merchant. According to article 28 (h) of the Microsoft Service Agreement, you will not earn cashback awards on purchases where you use a separate discount or coupon with your order.
To ensure that future purchases qualify for cashback, please see our Terms of Use link below.
Microsoft Service Agreement (Terms of Use) Section 28:
Microsoft Service Agreement
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your account or the Bing cashback program, please reply to this email and we will be happy to assist you.
That is a canned response. I have been turned down at this stage on other purchases at other sites.
So this level of response is a GOOD thing. That disclaimer means things such as you canceling your order (or if it had been a retail purchase, you returning the item) give them a reason to not pay you.
Oversimplified.....BING contacts retailer....did they complete the order/return anything/etc. Retailer replies. BING pays unless retailer replies with something like no install, item returned etc. So, as far as BING is concerned at this point, it's golden unless they are told otherwise.
Bottom line, there is no rock solid 100% guarantee with BING paying out. But everything is looking as good as it can. If you have the install done, there shouldn't be any reason why it wouldn't be approved.
Free HD For Life is only for the ST+Premiere Promo..Looks like most offers stayed intact on the website this morning even with the addition of the NFLST/Premier for $59.99/mo offering.
Still Choice Xtra for $34.99, Free HD for life, free HD-DVR & HD Rcvr, looks good for new customers.
I just noticed and corrected my post. That is a loss for someone signing up that isn't a NFL fan.
Limited time offer