Anonymous said:Just for clarification of possible substitute of Superdish:
using latest version SW 7.80 and 6000/8PSK model with regular 18' aimed to 148W and combined by SW21 with signal from other 1m dish with regular Ku LNBF (11.7-12.2 GHz, H/V switching by 13/18V from SW21) you will get all that test channels regardless type of modulation - QPSK,8PSK and turbo coding. Please, be aware - the channels could not be decoded if you have regular subscription.
Anonymous said:Jerry G,
You missed one important point - a recipient of the HD channels from 105 sat only 6000 model for now.
So, using media devices what realize bandstacking technology totally unnessesary. Using switched LNBFs ( Ku and DSS ) and legacy switches for the the setup with 6000u more then enough.
Anonymous said:Forget to mention, SW64 or SW4x _required_ dual output LNBF for connect, ie the switches lock each output of LNBF at one polarity by corresponding voltage 13/18V.
Wildkat said:It works...I tested this setup the other day with a split 13/18v primestar LNB into 3A amd 3B on my SW64 and 61.5 on a sw21....
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