I am unable to receive ANY signal reading on my TV! It's driving me crazy.
So a little background information on the problem that I am having (with plenty of pictures).
My goal is have to an HD feed at my football tailgate this year. I purchased a 3LNB SWM Direct TV Satellite dish, with accompanying splitter and power supply.
Next, I located Azimuth, Elevation, and Skew(tilt) from the iPhone app DishFinder - which I also confirmed with Directv.com for my zip code (213, 40, and 70 respectively). I used a compass to accurately point the dish, and completely leveled the mast; elevation and tilt accurately set too. Here is a picture of my dish.

Here is the LNB:

From the LNB runs a 6 foot coax that I Have routed as follows: Dish to Splitter:
Splitter to power source:

Power source to a H23-600 HD receiver. I have been mindful of the red colored terminals to send power all the way through to the Satellite.
I have not been able to receive a signal what-so-ever. I have tried in my backyard, with coordinates identical to my working satellite for my home (that is not SWM however), and have tried at my tailgate location (which we successfully set up SD satellites/receivers in the past – it is very open, not sure it is a line of sight issue).
My home satellite is a Slimeline 5 LNB (not SWM). My DVR at home requires two lines in with special adapters.
For the remote satellite (for which the receiver is not a DVR), I have not been using the adapters. But, because I took this box from my house, I am worried that it has been set-up for the 5LNB and not the 3LNB SWM. On the signal strength screen, I am not able to see SWM as an option. I have tried to manually switch satellites, but am unable due to "No signal".
Any ideas on what to do next? Is one of my cables possibly bad? I just bought them, but not sure any signal is getting to my receiver. I took the receiver inside to confirm it is working – and it works fine with my home satellite.
So a little background information on the problem that I am having (with plenty of pictures).
My goal is have to an HD feed at my football tailgate this year. I purchased a 3LNB SWM Direct TV Satellite dish, with accompanying splitter and power supply.
Next, I located Azimuth, Elevation, and Skew(tilt) from the iPhone app DishFinder - which I also confirmed with Directv.com for my zip code (213, 40, and 70 respectively). I used a compass to accurately point the dish, and completely leveled the mast; elevation and tilt accurately set too. Here is a picture of my dish.

Here is the LNB:

From the LNB runs a 6 foot coax that I Have routed as follows: Dish to Splitter:

Splitter to power source:

Power source to a H23-600 HD receiver. I have been mindful of the red colored terminals to send power all the way through to the Satellite.
I have not been able to receive a signal what-so-ever. I have tried in my backyard, with coordinates identical to my working satellite for my home (that is not SWM however), and have tried at my tailgate location (which we successfully set up SD satellites/receivers in the past – it is very open, not sure it is a line of sight issue).
My home satellite is a Slimeline 5 LNB (not SWM). My DVR at home requires two lines in with special adapters.
For the remote satellite (for which the receiver is not a DVR), I have not been using the adapters. But, because I took this box from my house, I am worried that it has been set-up for the 5LNB and not the 3LNB SWM. On the signal strength screen, I am not able to see SWM as an option. I have tried to manually switch satellites, but am unable due to "No signal".
Any ideas on what to do next? Is one of my cables possibly bad? I just bought them, but not sure any signal is getting to my receiver. I took the receiver inside to confirm it is working – and it works fine with my home satellite.