<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="DishSubLA" data-source="post: 2860574"
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<a href="/xen/goto/post?id=2860574"
data-content-selector="#post-2860574">DishSubLA said:</a>
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B.S. This guy is NO exec. More B.S because big networks often PAY stations to be an affiliate and air their network shows, and they do get RICH from every crumb of revenue produce. Finally, those broadcast licenses belong to EVERY American as WE OWN those frequencies and the nets pay NOTHING for the privilege. So, some "TV Exec" whines because he gets a FREE LUNCH paid for by the taxpayers and makes mountains of $$$$ and NEVER pays any "royalties" or shares to each and every one of use who ALLOW him to use our frequencies. His arrogance affirms that broadcasters forget they are "GUESTS" and who no longer practice equal time and don't want who pays for all the political ads they run to be listed on a website. He and his ilk ought to start a channel for MVPD only like USA, Liftetime, etc, then he will really own every link in the chain and do what he wants, but for now, it is hubris for them to charge retrans when WE already own AND SUBSIDIZE (US Government GRANTS and LOW-NO INTEREST LOANS PAID FOR JUST ABOUT EVERY NEW DIGITAL TRANSMITTER THE BROADCASTERS NOW HAVE) to untold amounts of money. Let's not forget that most of the local stations in this country are not "mom & pop" operations, but owned by very large corporations and companies themselves who often own whole groups of stations.
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</blockquote>The profit margin for an individual station is slim. That is why most stations are a part of huge groups, to help offset costs. And Fox is charging it's affilates a set fee for every pay-tv subscriber in the stations DMA. And that fee is scheduled to rise every year. So, at least Fox affilates are being squeezed. I don't know about the rest, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. True most stations are not "mom & pop" operations anymore. But advertising dollars are now split among them, cable channels and the internet. Back in the old days, those stations didn't have the competion for those dollars that there is today.</div>