Hi, I have a #510 DVR receiver. On Sunday it lost the signal to 1 of the satellites and almost no channels came in. I called Dish, they walked me through a few tests and it turned out that 1 LNB was not working properly, or weather??
After setting up an appt. date I went out to the dish and checked every connector for moisture and/or looseness. Everything seemed to be OK. I went back in the house, plugged the unit in, and both sats. were coming back online. I was very happy, but I would like to know if anyone else has had this type of problem.
I guess I'm wondering if an LNB is getting weak. Any thoughts? BTW, it was raining on and off for 10 days here. Thanks.
After setting up an appt. date I went out to the dish and checked every connector for moisture and/or looseness. Everything seemed to be OK. I went back in the house, plugged the unit in, and both sats. were coming back online. I was very happy, but I would like to know if anyone else has had this type of problem.
I guess I'm wondering if an LNB is getting weak. Any thoughts? BTW, it was raining on and off for 10 days here. Thanks.