Or maybe I should say Masha Restova R.I.P.
"Strap on your bike helmet. We´re going to work"
"Strap on your bike helmet. We´re going to work"
No Lizzie , then no me. I will finish out the season ,but if the death is real on the show ,then I'm out.
They have the fans wondering, so I guess they have already accomplished what they wanted with lots of attention and speculation.Some people are now not so convinced she could still be alive.
But on TV everything's possible.
Right now I think Lizzie's situation is like that of the proverbial Schroedinger´s cat mentioned in quantum physics who´s supposed to be both dead and alive at the same time inside a box, and it´s until the box is opened that then you'll find it either dead or alive.
Guess next season will confirm if Lizzie is dead or alive.
Read some opinions that Tom could now take Lizzie´s place, but if the spinoff has a green light, that wouldn´t make sense.
They have the fans wondering, so I guess they have already accomplished what they wanted with lots of attention and speculation.
I understand tonight´s episode or maybe next one would be the one that would be used for the spinoff.
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