Finished last weeks quarterfinals & elimination show... Raelynn needs to lose the twang & hit notes, glad to see Jermaine & Erin make it through. Glad I can fast forward through Christina's babbling .
Haven't watched yet, but good, as a radio bunch out of Albuquerque said Jamar had a good performance last night...My opinion, Tony and Juliet rocked the house, be interesting to see who America chooses and how the coaches voted. Juliet is blowing everyone away on itunes today.
Adam weighting his vote 60-40 is the one that made a difference. The outcome would have been different without those 10 extra points
I agree, I think Adam realized that Tony had a chance to win and Katrina didn't. I wasn't impressed with Katrina's performance Monday either.
I'm rooting for Juliet, have been since the auditions...
I don't like the breathy quality of Juliet's voice (though she was mostly on-pitch Monday), and I don't think she will last a long time with it--more prone to irritation and problems, eventually leading to lack of power and more of the raspy quality. I'm glad all the guys got in, as I think each could win, though I wonder if the voters will go for Chris versus the other singing styles. Music selection will be critical!
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