Yes, you just have to get the AppleCare before the warranty runs out.
Yeah, I read this afternoon that you can purchase it at anytime BEFORE the warranty ends.
Yes, you just have to get the AppleCare before the warranty runs out.
a couple of consideration for you in deciding between models. the big thing to watch out 4 is the keyboard and you might find the 1on the 11 inch to be a little small for your liking. do some serious typing on it and the 13 inch before you make your decision.
also, aren't you eligible for an academic discount? I don't know how much they are but that could be a deciding factor in price etc.
are they using traditional form factor ssds or are they using the m-sata module that plugs into the connector? if it is the m-sata you will find your storage upgrade options limited.
finally, will be 11 inch screen be big enough at your normal sitting distance?
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What are the advantages of a Mac these days versus a good PC? I mean I have no experience with Apple products, except the old Apple IIe I used in school.. I always strayed away from them cuz I never knew anyone that used one. The software availabilty seems trivial at best. But I hear they are really stable and powerful. What are your generic thoughts on Apple computers? I am just curious if I should maybe look at one. As I have never even seen one in action I am just wanting to get a handle on the general why of a Mac.
Actually, the software is not at all trivial. I have found a ton of very good - and often very creative - mac programs that I did not have on the pc. For example, I organize much of my work using a great information manager/database called DevonThink Professional. Mac only, game changer for my research, teaching, and indeed, overall computing.
My mac is incredibly stable and powerful. It manages memory extremely well; I reboot it maybe once every couple weeks; it rarely hiccups; it has far less security concerns than a pc (just because of the sandbox approach taken to memory for each program). And the hardware is top notch. Yeah, you pay for it, but my mbp is a beast.
Oh there is a learning curve - for me about 3 weeks -to truly begin to grasp the Apple way of doing things, and to retrain my brain to use the Command and not Control key. But it was worth it.
We need a new laptop, our little netbook we use in the living room for everyday surfing is starting to get a little rough. Maybe I will find a newer used mac since all we use it for is surfing it might be a good way to get into mac's and get a feel for them. We have had a few laps now and we actually use them more than our desktop since we do more surfing in front of the tv than anything anymore. I just haven't found one yet that can put up with a daily beating. ALOT of charger issues and hinge problems from the constant movement and use. Right now my netbook has its charger hard wired to the inside and the power button is just two wires sticking out of the hole where the button used to be haha. Kids don't use it but they still find ways to abuse it.
I agree 100% with Rocky on this. The only time we reboot our Macs at home is when we have software updates that require a reboot. I cringe every time I use my Windows 7 Lenovo laptop at work but when I get home and need to use a computer I use my Mac and it's like a night and day comparison. My work laptop has crashed a few times already this month. Knock on wood my Mac at home hasn't crashed once. I've had Firefox crash on my Mac but it has only been the 1 time. Firefox at work has crashed several times this month.
I had heard before that viruses are virtually non existant on a mac. Are they really that good? I am just nervous about gettin hold of one and it not be what I want. One question I do have is can you upgrade a mac in the way you can a pc? Like I know a laptop is pretty much only upgradable in the RAM sense. But if you had a desktop mac can you upgrade lets say the graphic card, or the processor etc.... And could you if you had lets say a tower model replace the motherboard as long as it is the same form factor or are they pretty much custom for each model. I might be setting myself up to look like an ass here, but that just goes to show I have never even been around a mac haha. I feel amish when it comes to apple products.
I had heard before that viruses are virtually non existant on a mac. Are they really that good? I am just nervous about gettin hold of one and it not be what I want. One question I do have is can you upgrade a mac in the way you can a pc? Like I know a laptop is pretty much only upgradable in the RAM sense. But if you had a desktop mac can you upgrade lets say the graphic card, or the processor etc.... And could you if you had lets say a tower model replace the motherboard as long as it is the same form factor or are they pretty much custom for each model. I might be setting myself up to look like an ass here, but that just goes to show I have never even been around a mac haha. I feel amish when it comes to apple products.
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