what are your recording needs? any OTA stations you want?
I would suggest 2 Hoppers and 1 Joey
OTA means Over The Air or locals by your own antennaI do record alot and I want something that I will be able to watch another station while recording. Right now, when I am recording, I have to watch that or watch another station on another TV. What exactly is OTA stations? Does that mean local?
How many HD tv's and sd tv's? And are you replacing any with HD in the near future?
So you think i should go with a Hopper and two Joeys for 4 tv's? One plasma, one lcd and two standard tv's.Yes!
OTA means Over The Air or locals by your own antenna
Right now I have a one Plasma, one LCD and two standard tvs. I probably will be replacing HD, but in the near future.
I have called Dish and if I wanted the Hopper, I would have to pay $100.00. Is that a good deal?
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