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Tired of Netflix.. switched to BB !!! | SatelliteGuys.US

Tired of Netflix.. switched to BB !!!

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Jul 18, 2005
Well, I used to love Netflix for the first 6 months.. Then all of a sudden, their service went down hill. At first i was very surprised on how quickly I was getting the new releases w/o any delays whatsoever. Then gradually they were taking longer and longer.

One example:

I placed Madagascar on my Queue since early October, to be ahead of the game. Movie was released 11/15/2005 and I check on that same day first thing in the morning, and my Queus status said A VERY LONG WAIT.

So I said, well maybe in a few days I will have my status changed. Well to make this story short, as of Saturday February 4th it still read A VERY LONG WAIT.. I was like Whattttt !!!! :mad:

How can someone be on hold for more then 2 months for a single release? I was upset that my $17.99 a month was not enough to get a DVD rental that is more then 2 months old shipped to me.

And this was not the only title that was more then 30 or 45 days old. It also happened with Wedding Crashers and 40 year old Virgin (Still read Long Wait when I cancelled last Saturday)

So I've decided to Fire Netflix and switch to Blockbuster. Especially with 4 in-store rentals each month, I was sold.

So Netflix, you lost my biz for not sending me movies that are pretty much on PPV now and about to go to premium channels soon too.

my 2
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I had Blockbuster for at least 6 months, and I had the same complaints you have about Netflix. I had so many titles listed as "long wait" or "very long wait" it was ridiculous. I had a few titles I was waiting for for at least 3 months that never came available(And they weren't even new releases). GOOD LUCK.
I agree with you, but I have learned to play the game with Netflix. For example I knew Doom was going to be released on DVD on the 7th of Feb. so in order to ensure my copy was going to be mailed to me apon release I sent a movie back on the Friday before. So that would allow the movie to be picked up and in route to Netflix Saturday and hit Netflix mailbox first thing Monday. When I checked my Queue, I smile to see my Doom copy was being mailed to me.
I do get very angry with Netfix sometimes, there would be weeks when I send all three movies back on a Monday and I get nothing on my list sent untill the following Monday, a full week! WTF, I think to myself.
But I did try BB online, but I was not satisfied with them either and there is no store near me as well.

So I will tough it out with NF.
Thanks for those replies, I will try BB for a while for now. I know I wont have to wait 2 months for a new realease with their weekly in-store rental included.

I have at least 10 BB stores within a 15 mile radius, so the choices in getting new releases are looking good. :D
pro96 said:
Thanks for those replies, I will try BB for a while for now. I know I wont have to wait 2 months for a new realease with their weekly in-store rental included.

I have at least 10 BB stores within a 15 mile radius, so the choices in getting new releases are looking good. :D

I've been using BB online for about a year now and find it a good service. The only thing I don't like is that the website doesn't make obvious what the popular new releases are for any given week. Netflix does a better review job on titles too in my opinion. BB will occasionally have an older title that you have to wait for, but I have never had a problem on new releases. I do think BB is faster in the shipping turn around process. I think they ship the next item in your queue as soon as the post office scans the bar code on your return.
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Had netflix-1 yr..very good here. the return address was a po box in my town. I think the dropbox got the movies, scanned them in, and new movies immediately sent to me. Only prob was when the return address was Houston or some outta town city. Only other prob-to cancell you must return all movies w/i 4 days or so. Knowing the po-well snail mail and all-its physically impossible if the return address is outta town within time limit.. I had netflix give me more days to close acct. Avoided the extra month charge. AOL will chj extra month everytime you close their acct-NEVER USE AOL-the program is an "octapus"_ I learned.
I am surprised, I've only 2 times had a delay in shipping a movie. I've been with NF since 2002. The most recent was 40 yr. old virgin, that was on wait for about a month. My normal 'turnaround' with them is I mail the movie from work on Monday, They get it on Tuesday, I get my new movie on Wed. If I mail it from home on Saturday, they usually don't get it until Tue. Other than that, this has been about as perfect as anyone could expect. Not sure why you are having such a long time, maybe the post office in your area has problems? I also live in the LA area, and have been amazed by NF in the last 2 years.
I've had BB about 2 years now. Love it. Yea - lots of movies show up as long wait but they still ship them. I've probably only had it skip maybe 4 or 5 movies in the 2 yrs I had them and most of my requests are new releases. If its one I have to have, I just use my free coupons and run to the store to grab it.

I do agree with their lack of new release advertisements. It is a pain trying to find out what good ones are coming out.
I just tried the free month of BB and while the 2 rentals in-store is cool, I still think Netflix is faster. I think I got more movies to my door in a month with Netflix. Block buster would often wait a day to send the next in cue after having received the returned movie.

This is an article from CNN about this problem with Netflix. It says that people who rent DVDs in higher volume get bumped back to the end of the line. I have seen this myself. I used to time the return of my movies as well, and would always get the new title on the day of it's release. However, I rent a lot of movies from Netflix and now have noticed the consequence.

Netflix sends frequent renters to the back of line
Policy designed to reduce number of films rented for monthly fee

Saturday, February 11, 2006 Posted: 0415 GMT (1215 HKT)

Manuel Villanueva says his problem with "throttling" is that it contradicts the idea of unlimited rentals.YOUR E-MAIL ALERTS

Netflix Incorporated
or Create Your Own
Manage Alerts | What Is This? SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Manuel Villanueva realizes he has been getting a pretty good deal since he signed up for Netflix Inc.'s online DVD rental service 2-1/2 years ago, but he still feels shortchanged.

That's because the $17.99 monthly fee that he pays to rent up to three DVDs at a time would amount to an even bigger bargain if the company didn't penalize him for returning his movies so quickly.

Netflix typically sends about 13 movies a month to Villanueva's home in Warren, Michigan -- down from the 18 to 22 DVDs he once received before the company's automated system identified him as a heavy renter and began delaying his shipments to protect its profits.

The same Netflix formula also shoves Villanueva to the back of the line for the most-wanted DVDs, so the service can send those popular flicks to new subscribers and infrequent renters.

The little-known practice, called "throttling" by critics, means Netflix customers who pay the same price for the same service are often treated differently, depending on their rental patterns.

"I wouldn't have a problem with it if they didn't advertise 'unlimited rentals,' " Villanueva said. "The fact is that they go out of their way to make sure you don't go over whatever secret limit they have set up for your account."

Changing the rules
Los Gatos, California-based Netflix didn't publicly acknowledge it differentiates among customers until revising its "terms of use" in January 2005 -- four months after a San Francisco subscriber filed a class-action lawsuit alleging that the company had deceptively promised one-day delivery of most DVDs.

"In determining priority for shipping and inventory allocation, we give priority to those members who receive the fewest DVDs through our service," Netflix's revised policy now reads. The statement specifically warns that heavy renters are more likely to encounter shipping delays and less likely to immediately be sent their top choices.

Few customers have complained about this "fairness algorithm," according to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings.

"We have unbelievably high customer satisfaction ratings," Hastings said during a recent interview. "Most of our customers feel like Netflix is an incredible value."

The service's rapid growth supports him. Netflix added nearly 1.6 million customers last year, giving it 4.2 million subscribers through December. During the final three months of 2005, just 4 percent of its customers canceled the service, the lowest rate in the company's six-year history.

After collecting consumer opinions about the Web's 40 largest retailers last year, Ann Arbor, Michigan, research firm ForeSeeResults rated Netflix as "the cream of the crop in customer satisfaction."

Once considered a passing fancy, Netflix has changed the way many households rent movies and has spawned several copycats, including a mail service from Blockbuster Inc.

Netflix's most popular rental plan lets subscribers check out up to three DVDs at a time for $17.99 a month. After watching a movie, customers return the DVD in a postage-paid envelope. Netflix then sends out the next available DVD on the customer's online wish list.

Customers catch on
Because everyone pays a flat fee, Netflix makes more money from customers who watch only four or five DVDs a month. Customers who quickly return their movies to get more erode the company's profit margin, because each DVD sent out and returned costs 78 cents in postage alone.

Although Netflix consistently promoted its service as the DVD equivalent of an all-you-can eat smorgasbord, some heavy renters began to suspect they were being treated differently two or three years ago.

To prove the point, one customer even set up a Web site -- -- to show that the service listed different wait times for DVDs requested by subscribers living in the same household.

Netflix's throttling techniques also have prompted incensed customers to share their outrage in online forums such as

"Netflix isn't well within its rights to throttle users," complained a customer identified as "annoyed" in a posting on the site. "They say unlimited rentals. They are liars."

Hastings said the company has no specified limit on rentals, but "`unlimited' doesn't mean you should expect to get 10,000 a month."

Netflix says most subscribers check out two to 11 DVDs a month.

Growing risk
Management has acknowledged to analysts that it risks losing money on a relatively small percentage of frequent renters. And that risk has increased since Netflix reduced the price of its most popular subscription plan by $4 a month in 2004 and the U.S. Postal Service recently raised first-class mailing costs by 2 cents.

Netflix's approach has paid off, so far. The company has been profitable in each of the past three years, a trend its management expects to continue in 2006 with projected earnings of at least $29 million on revenue of $960 million. Netflix's stock price has more than tripled since its 2002 initial public offering.

A September 2004 lawsuit cast a spotlight on the throttling issue. The complaint, filed by Frank Chavez on behalf of all Netflix subscribers before Jan. 15, 2005, said the company had developed a sophisticated formula to slow DVD deliveries to frequent renters and ensure quicker shipments of the most popular movies to its infrequent -- and most profitable -- renters to keep them happy.

Netflix denied the allegations, but eventually revised its terms of use to acknowledge its different treatment of frequent renters.

Without acknowledging wrongdoing, the company agreed to provide a one-month rental upgrade and pay Chavez's attorneys $2.5 million. But the settlement sparked protests that prompted the two sides to reconsider. A hearing on a revised settlement proposal is scheduled for Feb. 22 in San Francisco Superior Court.

Netflix subscribers such as Nathaniel Irons didn't believe the company was purposely delaying some DVD shipments until he read the revised terms of use.

Irons, 28, of Seattle, has no plans to cancel his service because he figures he is still getting a good value from the eight movies he typically receives each month.

"My own personal experience has not been bad," he said, "but (the throttling) is certainly annoying when it happens."
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