i have done what you have said. port one works on both stb. port 2 does not work at all no signal at all. with both hooked only port one works. i have took the lnbf apart and no water and sealed it back shut. port one H and V work great on both STB. port two nothing at all dead to the world.
Are the two STBs located in different rooms or in the same room? If different rooms, test for power line interaction by running a temporary AC extension cord to power the STB, TV (and other connected AV devices).
With the STBs connected as they are currently, check for potential voltages tested between the two coax cables (braid to braid, braid to center conductor and opposite braid to opposite center conductor) when disconnected from the LNBF and connected only to the STBs. Repeat the test with all AV devices connected.
Why not send the unit back to Titanium for testing (and replacement if defective) like he offered in post 25? That way you can get a definitive answer and possible save yourself the cost of buying another lnbf.well check all cables like you said and everything looks good to me. thinking about trying out another lnbf. this titanium lnb has been not right sense i got it and put it to work. strong srt l926 model number of new lnbf i may get not sure yet. if anyone wants to put there two pennys in im listening thanks
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