Welcome to the forum, we would be glad to help you. If it is just from a lighting strike I doubt the dishes needs re-alignment. Most likely the settings in your receiver are not set right. What does it say on your LNBF, I will assume a LO of 10750?
Dear New Forum Friend,
Greetings in the Name of Jesus, Who loved you so much He died for you.
Yes, to answer your question it does say LO 10.75 GHz. Let me explain what we know.
We purchased a single standard linear Ku Band LNBF which was HDTV approved. Its model number is ESX521FE. Input frequency 11.7-12.2GHz. Output frequency: 950-1450MHz. Noise figure: 0.2dB. Gain: 70dB LO frequency: 10.75 Ghz Manufactured and distributed by WS International Global Satellite out of Atlanta GA and Los Angeles CA.
The person from whom we purchased the LNBF told us that the reason we were not getting a signal was because we needed something called a signal meter finder. He said that we were probably pointing the LNBF to the wrong place on our satellite dish. We called our local satellite TV guru who installs all the Dish and Direct TV satellite in the area as well as new antennas for televisions, etc. He is also involved with the local cable company. He politely said he was not aware of what the man who sold us the LNBF was talking about.
WE ARE TOTAL NOVICES. We do not speak satellite, we do not speak electronics, we do not speak anything but English, so please have pity on us. We are as little children (well, I guess in this day and age, they might know more than we do about these things

Someone said the coaxial cable might need to be replaced. We have no idea of how to test a coaxial cable. But we do know this: the lightning strike took out our old receiver. We first purchased a mini receiver made in China called a Strong and when we hooked it up, it moved the dish, but we got no signal. We asked for help online but after 2 or 3 days decided we would replace our Fortec Star Mercury - 2 with another Fortec Star, which we purchased used, online, from a man who had upgraded and had only used this system, he said, for a few months. He was from Wisconsin and one of his favorite satellite signals was 123 West. We hooked the purchased receiver up to the satellite and guess what? It went to 123 West and told us there were other stations available BUT the signal level and quality were at 0 to 5 or 10 with an occasional blip higher. So my thinking is the coaxial cable is allowing the receiver to communicate with the dish BUT we admit we are novices.
We are trying to tell you all these things because we don't know what small information might be important.
Oh by the way, we did not purchase a fixed Glorystar system. We purchased a moveable satellite dish with a motor and it operated fine prior to 2009 when we lost most of our stations. We hope this additional information will help you help us. HELP! Thank thee and may God bless you.