The SDRPlay series of SDRs have a unique feature not usually found in other SDRs. In addition to the usual relative dBm scale, it also has a calibrated dBm scale that can be used for absolute signal measurement when properly setup.
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Here are some measurements of a Channel 2 ATSC 1.0 signal from a Thor modulator. They display as 31 dB SNR on the SONY TV, 89% Signal Quality on the Mediasonic HW250STB, and 4.4 dBmV on my Sadelco DisplayMax 800 Signal Level Meter.
2025-2-6 RSP1B SNR 31dB Measurements:
This was a closed system; no antenna
RSP1B center channel calibrated measurement: -60.1 dBm
Modulator > Variable attenuator > amp 17 dB > 4-way splitter for:
1. RSP1B
2. SONY TV: 31 dB SNR
3. Mediasonic 250STB: 89 percent Signal Quality
4. Signal Level Meter:
4.4 dBmV
For comparison:
Using the RSP1B calibrated measurement:
-60.1 dBm + 15dB BWCF = -45.1 dBm
-45.1 dBm + 49 =
3.9 dBmV very close!
BWCF is Bandwidth Correction Factor