One of our OTA translators just switched from K36LI-D (Astoria OR) to KPWT-LD. Any idea why Weigel would switch from a translator to an LPTV? Is there any advantage? The station relays H&I/Start TV/Movies!/Decades/METV+. Thanks.
I was wondering if that is the case. Even though they relay their programming from Chicago and as far as I know, have nothing local. But maybe they plan local ads or something. Weigel also has a CP for ch 15 about 40 miles North, licensed to Astoria, but not from their proposed antenna site, will never reach Astoria. They DO have an investment in our area now. This isn't Chicago, but Weigel is branching out with LPTV's & Translators all over the country now. They have something planned that is for sure.
The K##XX-D style call sign is used for LPTVs and translators. Any LPTV or translator may elect to change to a four-letter KXXX-LD call sign if it so chooses.