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Tvn Ppv

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Mr Tony

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
Mankato, MN
I deleted the other post as per a request.

I don't get what the issue is here people...Jim posted a feed that has been there for a while. He did a blind scan (which I do on KU all the time) and posted the feed to maybe HELP OUT THE MEMBERS HERE. Thats what we're here for. To help out.

Spin were way out of line with your crap, and I don't like that. That was the main reason the post was deleted. Jim posts a feed and you all berate him for posting it. Also smartass comments don't fly with me around here (and most staff for that matter)

Yes stuff comes and goes all the lets enjoy it while its here instead of going after people.

I didn't read the other thread after the second post. I knew where it was heading, but what is the point of the "FTA/MPEG2 - Whats up there?" forum then?
The What’s up there is a area that you need to be granted access for. Jim was under the assumption since it was C-band to post it here in the C-Band area, since some people who just have C-Band maybe don’t visit the FTA area.

All feeds posts will be done there from now on (I did talk with Jim about it). Jim was just helping out and people attack him.
I figured one would blow a little thing like this up way over there head, this is why I warned Jim about the feed, and from being a feed hunter for many years it is true that (sometimes) a feed will encrypt do to over exposure, I am not mad at Jim but do feel certain feeds should be kept on the down low, now with the ability for a moderator to easily delete posts I do not see the point of anyone for getting hot headed over this, anyway have fun guys and keep hunting :)
I can see both sides of this debate. Of course, people will want to keep a new feed "in the clear" and enjoy it for as long as possible. From what I gather "publication" of the feeds may result in encryption. However, I would also say from reading "Diamond Jim's" posts on C band and other subjects, he seems to be someone who is very interested in helping others. As a newbie trying to learn about C Band and FTA I find his posts very informative as well and he seems to know his subject matter.

Keep up the good work Jim! :)
Yes Jim keep up the good work!

I think he has worked with C-Band for a while now and he is helpful to the “C-Band newbies” :D
tdti1 said:
I am not mad at Jim

No offense was taken. You have a good point, I dropped the ball. Where offense WAS taken was when I was accused of stealing the post then reposting it. Then this guy wouldn't let me explain how I came up with it and began giving me the business. That's what p'ed me off.

The members in this forum have helped me learn the MPEG 2 system when I knew nothing about it. I feel that by helping new C Band members is my way of supporting the forum and giving something back.

Thanks for your support.
c-band feeds

Hey guys, hope everyone is doing well. I read the above posts and do agree that posting "everything" that we find while scanning the skies is probably not a good idea although it should be. I feel like most of us are honest hobbyists who do not want to infringe on any company's right to earn income.

I find feeds of pay services all the time on c-band and occasionally KU band. I have been tempted many times to post them to help other members of this great site . I then thought ahead a little and realized that most of us probably do blind searches all the time and probably find many if not most feeds ourselves without posting and taking a chance on the site having problems from program providers.


I do not subscribe to any type of pay television services. I used to but I stopped for the sole reason that many of the channels are plagued with infomercials and advertisements all night long (the only time that I ever have to watch tv).

I will not pay for channels that are being paid to carry this "junk" programming. I can watch infomecials on my local channels all night for free.
I know that I can buy a dvr or tivo but why should i have to?

I remember the "good ole days" when TV was on 24 hours per day or just flat out off the air. I refuse to be cheated by major program providers collecting money on both sides of the fence.

When I find a feed with movies or sports and I have time to watch it, I do.
I do not bother to record or distribute anything that I receive from my dish.
The companies are not loosing money by me watching a feed for free because I would never have bought the programming anyway. At best I may have watched a short commercial of a product that after watching I intend to buy.

Program providers are suffering from the same plague that many other large corporations suffer from. GREED....GREED....GREED!!!!

I am not against anyone making money. I like to make money and I hope that everyone else finds the opertunity to work hard and prosper. Most program providers have got too big, with too much political influence over everyone below them.

I never post feeds because of what happened above. It is not fair to us hobbyists to be deprived the right to exchange information but I can see why a program provider would be concerned. If they do not want me to watch then "S-C-R-A-M-B-L-E" your signal. They can afford the bandwidth, software, and equipment to do so. Scrambling does cost money. Another fine example of how they will not spend money to protect their content from us hobbyists but will fuss about it when someone opens their mouth.

When all of the scare started in our country about terrorism after 9/11 and everyone was brainwashed by the media with a mental stereotype image an arabic person being a terrorist they only got part of the story.
If you ever want to see a terrorist, they wear business suits, ride in the first class section of an elegant plane, sip wine, munch cheese while on their way to India or China to make a deal with some warlord slave trader for a group of 12 cent per hour poor slaves to make our appliances, clothes, hardware, shampoo bottles, tv', dvd players, and our very own satellite componets so they can close down an american factory turning good payed american people into homeless and poor.

It all falls back to GREED.

Ok i'm done Thanks for listening. :)
Please read this...

This is an addition to the above post.

As consumers all of us have "The Power" to make or break these large corporations. We should all try to open our eyes and see the big picture.
These companies sit back and laugh while they play people against each other in the name of profit.

A fine example is uniden. They build police radars. They also build radar detectors. (playing both sides of the fence). They make millions from police departments all over the country and various other places in the world from police departments then turn around and sell us "protection" from their own devices. Look at the propoganda from radar detector ads.

The american middle class is who finances these large greedy corporations.
Now the energy industry is following suit. Look at the volitility of fuel prices now. They can say that "demand" is driving the price up or "Low production" of oil is the reason, and the all-time best one "we are running out of oil" line.
This country is drowning in oil. Not counting our offshore and overseas supplies. The world is drowning in oil for that fact. I am not against alternative energy, but people must remember that as long as big greedy corporations control everything from our fuel, our TV, our telephones, and whatever else.

It would not matter if you could run your car from political lies ( an energy source that would never run out), they would control and tax it to death.

thanks jim

I don't mean to rant and rave but this type of thing always comes up at one point or another whether on a forum or life in general. Many years ago every town and city was ran primarily by the people who lived there. They had stores, shop, and restaurants. They took pride in the appearance of their establishments, streets, themselves. Services were better and very personalized. Now most of these people have been displaced into poverty or working at walmart when they came to town to sell us cheap chinese slave labor low quality produced goods. Maybe someone should send some of the family members and children of these corporate tycoons overseas to work in sweatshops, work in factories that have dirt floors, no climate control, work with no hearing or eye protection not to mention long hours that violate every child labor law in america. In those places when a worker falls to injury or exhastion, they simply drag him/her off somewhere and there are 1,000,000 or so more to take their place.

controlling and overcharging us, exploiting poor, hungary, underdeveloped countries is plain wrong.
guilty of being....

A wal-mart worker in a small little town. It isn't something I love to be known for either, especially the little wages I receive for working my butt off. I've been there 3 years and only make $7.80/hour. I'd be glad to tell you more bad things about Wal-mart too if your ears don't fall of. lol
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