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Two Hopper 3 Install is Scheduled | Page 3 | SatelliteGuys.US

Two Hopper 3 Install is Scheduled

The installer will bring both H3's. One leased and the other purchased. Since I've already talked to the two installers closest to me there's a good chance they'll know about the switch. If they don't bring the new switch I'll live with the hassle for awhile.
What did DISH charge you for the second purchased Hopper 3 if you don't mind me asking?
They 'should' provide the switch but unfortunately the switches haven't made it out to the techs yet so the current solution is 2 dishes. Now if you already have a switch like you do then you're all set. :)

We are just now getting the new dual tuner OTA adapters through our distribution channel. It will probably be at least a month or more before we start regularly seeing the new switches.
I hope the DISH technician brings the DPH42 switch for my install. I want it for a spare if needed.
What is the reason we cant have a h3 and a hws together? Just curious.

That would be my choice. It would be nice to have the hws as a failsafe backup in the unlikely but possible chance that the h3 rolled over and died. I would also like to keep my vip211k in the mix for the backroom/camper. My one joey1 is just fine for the garage and doesn't have to be any faster.

My only reason for wanting a h3 is that there are times when I run out of tuners on the hws.

My wife is handicapped and I don't think I would like to or have much success teaching her how to run a hopper when she wants to watch a cooking show. (boring so I banish her to the 211k)
This makes since if replacing existing Joey or super joey to offset monthly fee. I would of purchased a new H3 (Dealer) however when I called Dish about purchase they wanted $80 more for potential used equipment.
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