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Upcoming 942 Software Release Notes | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Upcoming 942 Software Release Notes

lakebum431 said:
This update should fix your problem. That is the goal anyway!

Forgive me for being naive, but according to your past couple posts, are you a Dish Employee? You seem to be speaking for them.
Missing channel data

MRUSS said:
These fixes will be great if they work,but I would like to see my local channel program data.I have 5 local HD/digital channels and info in only one of them. Same goes on my 921.

This would be my number one priority.
I wish it would fix the disappearing Sat Local stations when you scan in the same OTA channel.
Just in case you are wondering whats going on at DBSTalk in the following thread...

Let SatelliteGuys give you a look at the complete thread before it was edited and posts were removed. We have written special software to capture EVERY post at DBSTalk, so even when they delete and edit peoples messages (as they did today) you can still see peoples origional posts. :)

Personally I think the entire thing is stupid myself, and it just shows what childish a$$hole they are at DBSTalk. (And a note to Mr. Derryberry, thanks for the Comment on calling us the National Enquirer of Satellite boards, i consider that an honor, as the National Inquirer is the most widely read publication in the USA (Just like SatelliteGuys.US is the USA's most widely read Satellite Information Sites) Unlike you guys we work to get our news, while you guys wait a day or a week to report what we posted here a long time ago. :)

And BTW Mr. Derryberry where do you think the release notes came from? Do you think I just pulled them out of my butt or used a magic 8 ball? Its too late to try protecting what little dignity you guys had, as this thread belows shows you are just a bunch of whiney crybabies and if you can't report something first then you try to discredit it or like you did in the thread below you edit or delete peoples posts.

It's time for the public to see how DBSTalk is really run.

Happy Reading (And make sure you go look at the thread at DBSTalk to see what is still there from the below thread) (Not much) :D

[Post 1]

Author : Jeff McClellan
Date : November 3rd, 2005 05:24 PM

Title : L2.82 Upgrade may be released.

I have learned, an update or new release may be imminent. This is directly due to all the hard work that Dish Network invested in listening to our members and their valuable feedback. Kudos to both of you I might add. :)

At this time, I feel in is all of our best interests, not to speculate about what may or may not be in a update, as this has not been publically released by Dish Network, and any speculation by anyone at this time might prove not to be beneficial to any 942 recipient. We look forward to hearing back from all of you once and if, an update occurs, as your opinions at this site, are valued by those who create. As always, DBSTalk, is the place for the most reliable information available. And at the end of your hard day, isn't that all that matters. Thanks to all of our members, and to Echostar, in assisting with this,so that all may now enjoy the benefits. Trust me, some goodies are a coming. :grin: Aren't you glad you waited.

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[Post 2]

Author : InDashMP3

Date : November 3rd, 2005 06:18 PM

Sorry for the possibility of a stupid question, but aren't the receivers at 281 already?

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[Post 3]

Author : Jeff McClellan

Date : November 3rd, 2005 06:34 PM

True, been a tough day at work.

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[Post 4]

Author : gpflepsen

Date : November 3rd, 2005 08:13 PM

I wish I hadn't waited.

satguys posted a notice this morning with the expected issued to be addressed by 282.

* Fixed Multiple audio issues - Audio in PIP, Audio bleedthrough from background recordings and different tuners

* Fixed freeze problem after frame advance

* Fixed Skip Back/Forward might cause jump to Live

* Multiple PocketDish enhancements and fixes

* Fixed problem where TV2 would not fire timers if TV1 in SysInfo screen - Added 5 minute timeout to SysInfo

* Fixed Closed Caption overflow issues

* Fixed Various timer/event fixes

* Fixed legacy SW42 switch power up problems

* Fixed CallerID buffer issues

* PIP from browse in anything other than Single Mode is ignored

I'm looking forward to getting back my 942 as I knew it once.

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[Post 5]

Author : MrC
Date : November 3rd, 2005 10:40 PM

At this time, I feel in is all of our best interests, not to speculate about what may or may not be in a update, as this has not been publically released by Dish Network, and any speculation by anyone at this time might prove not to be beneficial to any 942 recipient.

Hmmm. I think we're all adults here. I think we can handle both the surprises and the disappointments. I certainly don't feel like I need anyone to filter good or bad news (or any news).

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[Post 6]

Author : Jeff McClellan

Date : November 4th, 2005 05:37 PM

Regardless of what you may hear elsewhere, as I stated, you shouldn't jump the gun to quick, in all fairness to your members. To my understanding, any changes for the 942 have been delayed, for further testing. If correct, I commend Dish for patiently testing any new enhancements or revisions before we all get it. So, when the time comes, you will hear it first, when it comes to accurate information. Patience and a little compassion maybe, but we will all enjoy in the end. Take care all.

-=-=- End of Message -=-=-

[Post 7]

Author : waltinvt

Date : November 5th, 2005 07:17 AM

At this time, I feel in is all of our best interests, not to speculate about what may or may not be in a update, as this has not been publically released by Dish Network, and any speculation by anyone at this time might prove not to be beneficial to any 942 recipient. .

Jeesh, what's wrong with a little speculation. That's half the fun of these groups. As long as everyone makes it clear they're speculating and not proposing as fact, there's nothing wrong with it and it won't hurt anyone.

As for "glad I waited", that's yet to be determined. I loved my 942 when I first got it......and I still like it a lot but there's no question that it's stability has declined with the last few software upgrades.

By the way, I am one of those providing feedback to Dish and have also given them a few usb key downloads.

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[Post 8]

Author : gpflepsen

Date : November 5th, 2005 08:59 AM

If this is going to be your policy, that is posting speculative information and then censoring and removing any additional speculation upon your speculation, then no thank you. Do you get where this whole thing is hypocritical? Is this a flaunt of your 'connections'?

I think you will do a greater service to your members if you don't censor responses for anything other than blatant misinformation and obviously profane content.

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[Post 9]

Author : leemathre

Date : November 5th, 2005 09:30 AM

If this is going to be your policy, that is posting speculative information and then censoring and removing any additional speculation upon your speculation, then no thank you. Do you get where this whole thing is hypocritical? Is this a flaunt of your 'connections'?
I think you will do a greater service to your members if you don't censor responses for anything other than blatant misinformation and obviously profane content.

I agree completely. This is about the most useless thread I have ever seen.

-=-=- End of Message -=-=-

[Post 10]

Author : Neil Derryberry

Date : November 5th, 2005 09:32 AM

"Unauthorized" release notes can be blatant misinformation, hence you won't find them here. I'm also certain that your post was not placed here "for the good of the community" but to advertise for another site. That practice is not welcomed nor allowed here, so please refrain. I'm certain everyone by now knows where to look on the internet for "National Enquirer" type satellite news, so let's leave the guesswork and speculation there.

Thread closed.

-=-=- End of Message -=-=-
I would like to add, the entire purpose of sites like SatelliteGuys and DBSTalk is to provide people information, news and help with things dealing with the world of satellite.

When DBSTalk posts something of importance or that I think will benefit you I post a link to it, as I am not afraid to send people there for help.

Yet I find it funny that when we post anything to help people and one of their members post a link to our information (or even post a copy of our message there) that the DBSTalk guys delete it and try saying that the user is trying to advertise for us when all the user is doing is trying to do is help other people.

I think that most everyone at DBSTalk knows who we are and I dont think the posting of good information by a member is considered advertising. I think the truth is the guys at DBSTalk want to pretend that they are the only ones in the world of Satellite information sites, and that they could care less about providing their members timely accurate information.

I will admit it, I am going to laugh my ass off when the 942 software comes out and it has every fix and feature I posted. They are just upset they didn't post it first.

I hate this DBSTalk -vs- SatelliteGuys thing, I really do, but by the same token I feel that the public should know whats really going on.
BTW a question for Mr Derryberry, a simple yes or no answer is all that is needed. And no answer at all will be considered a no.

"Is DBSTalk the "Official Dish Network support forum?"

This Derryberry fellow seems to be a real dickhead -- sort of a self-important, petty, jealeous weasel kind of fellow -- sort of like the kind of person who would out an undercover CIA agent as an exercise in vindictive retaliation -- sort of the kind of person who should be allowed to attend ethics training similar to that recently mandated for current White House satff who haven't yet been indicted or arraigned in court.

Very sad.
I noticed a few moments ago Neil was here reading this thread.

Within a few moments of him reading it the following note appeared at DBSTalk

This thread is back open, by popular demand. I will take the heat for it, the reality is, it didnt belong in the support forums. Specualtion is fine, so sorry. Why are my ears burning?

Did anyone see any popular demand? :D
And why are all the good messages STILL missing?
And why is DBSTalk trying to hide stuff?
And is DBSTalk the Official Support Site of Dish Network?

Lot's of questions still no answers. :D
Cornstalkk said:
Forgive me for being naive, but according to your past couple posts, are you a Dish Employee? You seem to be speaking for them.

Nope, but I'm helping test the software release. Hopefully most of the problems will be fixed with the update.
They found a small bug on Thursday, which held back this release, beta testers got a new beta version on Friday night.

It is expected that the software will come out this week (probably around Thursday)
This thread is an eye opener for me. I've been posting more over on the forum but the recent censuring has me rethinking my comfort level there. My 942 was working great before L2.80/2.81 ... but it's been unreliable for over a month. It really does help to see that the issues are being worked on. At least that is a straw to hold onto. But just going along putting up with nightly audio glitches, picture freezes, and interupted recordings to do soft reboots (without information as to what was being done to fix things) almost pushed my frustration to the point of considering calling Comcast and talking terms of surrender to the darkside.

Uplink Activity Wednesday, November 9th 2005

46 inch wide screen Sony and Dish 625 - bad picture

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