I can live with that. Actually, I told a friend at work about the DVR510 for $149 deal, he called to get it, and they told him he had to sign up for CC autopay. He declined, and told me he didn't get the receiver.If you dont want to sign up for CC auto pay you can still just pay a $25 handling fee
angiodan said:Sign up with autopay, then stop it after a couple of months. I don't think they keep track.
At least they didn't when I used dishmover.
All Prices are STAND ALONE units without Dish.
Dish 921 $999 ($1199 MSRP with SuperDish)
If a customer agrees to sub to locals or HD from 105 for 1 year and pay by credit card auto pay.
Fat Tony said:There is a push right now to increase autopay penetration by EVERY business that I deal with. They are trying to decrease the volume of snail mail into the processing centers. And I will admit, there is a level of convenience as long as your paychecks fall in-line.
ari_c said:The other thing is people could use their debit card which goes directly from their checking acount....
Anyway, quick question. I live in Northern Virginia, would I be able to subscribe to the Baltimore locals? I currently get the Washington locals. Can I have both, or because I am closer to Washington can I only get Washington?
Lee L said:I don;t like E*'s version of CC auto pay simply because they have screwed up many peoples billing and just stopped taking the money each month, the people call and say "hey, you didn;t bill me this month", the CSR says, "OK its fixed" but it isn't then all the sudden service is cut. Customer calls back and says whats up, the CSR say(paraphrasing), "you are a deadbeat so we cut you off, pay a reinstatement fee or we will not restore your service" IT has taken quite a while to get this sorted for many customers.
Scott Greczkowski said:My wife likes to max out my credit cards.
Dish does not always charge the credit card on the same day.
I use a debit card to pay my Dish Bill and because they never bill it on the same day I never know when to expect it and dont want anything else to bounce.
I have a feeling this is why others get concerned about auto pay as well.
I don't know which is harder getting Dish to bill on the same day or getting my wife to stop maxing out the credit cards
Same here, no problems. If I have a question I just give them a call.Filip said:People keep mentioning CC autopay and the timing with paychecks. Why?? You have 30 to 45 (aprox) days to pay your credit card bill after the charge is made. I have had CC autopay for yrs. First on Directv in the nineties and Dishand never had one problem.
Limited time offer