I get it. You think that just because a bunch of people speculate about a subject that they have no proof about and come to a consensus that can't be backed up with fact, means that their consensus is correct, regardless of proof to the contrary.
You =

Me = :dev
I get it. I really do.
I have read this entire thread. English is my first (and only) language, and I understand the difference between past, present, and future tense. There has been a lot of speculation and very little fact, until the "official price changes" post. A lot of people have come to a "conclusion" that the TV2 fees are disappearing, but that is directly contradicted by a post that alleges to be a cut-and-paste from a direct notification from the company.
think you understand the new fee structure, based off of unconfirmed data that is contradicted by the "official" quote that I was referring to. I'm sorry that you think I'm spreading misinformation, but I am basing that information off of a post that is allegedly a direct cut-and-paste from someone's online billing.
The fact of the matter is: that line would not be there if it wasn't true, unless the poster is intentionally misleading us, which I doubt.
Before you try to belittle me any further, please explain your thoughts as to exactly what that sentence means, if it doesn't mean an additional $5 fee for each dual-tuner receiver after the first, if not connected to a phone line. You are wrong about it being past tense, as I've already discussed.