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UPDATED - New Dish Pricing Info! | Page 22 | SatelliteGuys.US

UPDATED - New Dish Pricing Info!

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Dish Network knows that he was already cheaper than the competition and he is tired of losing all that potential money so decided to jack up his rates. In reality I think he got more pricey than Directv with the fees because Directv only charges ONE DVR FEE! That means you can get those dual tuner DVR's from Directv and NOT be subject to all those fees like your going to on Dish Network. Yes, Dish is only going to charge one DVR fee but with what they are going to charge on the other receivers, you might as well call it a DVR fee as well.

Maybe Charlie figures he needs to make up for account stackers or something?
EVERY BUSINESS SHOULD VALUE EVERY CUSTOMER. Espically long termers like me, of 13 years.

with AEP about a 100 bucks a month thats 1200 bucks a year, and over my lifetime as a sub,probably 12 grand total.

companies that ignore customers get churn, which only costs them money.

I have NEVER had a free upgrade, a free receiver, a programing discount more than a few bucks.......

I am a noisey unhappy sub right now. but a long term customer most companies would be thrilled to get

Come on, let's put this in perspective...

You are getting all worked up over the CEO office not responding to your demand for clarification on pricing that, as of yet, does not exist. This is starting to sound like your tin foil hat might be on a little tight! :D

Seriously, I don't disagree with your arguments and the fact that some claim to have received a response is suspect, but, really, the CEO account is for dealing with existing issues. Worry about a rumored price increase is NOT an issue - at least not yet. Now, come Feb, *IF* this alleged price increase actually happens, you have a legitimate beef with DISH. If the CSR's can't satisfy your complaint (which is likely), then you have an argument for CEO. If CEO still refuses to respond, THEN you can legitimately voice your complaints. ;)
The CEO office didn't respond back half the time anyways before this even happened so maybe it is nothing to worry about, or maybe they are in fact avoiding the issue. I use a program that tells me if someone opens up my email or not and sometimes it don't tell me though (filters or something?)
I've been coming to this site for a couple years but never really joined in the conversations, but this topic is like WOW!!! For Christmas I added another HD TV, so now I have 3 HD TV's and 1 SD TV. So I figured I would keep on of my 622 and trade in my other 622 for two 612's. I was going to go with a 622, 612 and 211K but I figured if I'm paying for the $6 DVR fee I might as well pay the $3 more..... right???

Right now my bill with the two 622's is.

Turbo HD Silver with DVR 49.99 (includes locals)
DHPP 5.99
DVR 12.99
Total 67.98

Turbo HD Silver with DVR 44.99 (includes locals) Someone posted -5.00???
DHPP 5.99
DVR 612 10.00
DVR 612 10.00
DVR fee 6.00
Total 77.98

Does this look right???? I think this is actually $2.00 cheaper than what my local rep says its going to be. They claim they don't know much about the new price increases. I know everybody is probably sick of looking at everybody's bill... hahahha My big question is I don't see many people showing the DHPP when they add up there bills. I'm I the only person who pays this fee???
I have a ton of credits right now, from ClubDish and my $10 loyalty... For that reason, I keep Top 200 + HD. After my credits are gone, I will probably move to Turbo HD Silver (if I stay on Dish). It is really only missing one station I like (FX), but that content is available on Hulu... and the one show I watch (Nip/Tuck) is almost over.

I know I do my share of 'bitchin' about things that go wrong with Dish and I have pretty much decided after my last anger session that I will stop 'bitchin' and speak with my money. If Dish becomes unfairly priced or gives me poor customer service, I will just switch my service when commitment is done.

Problem solved. :)
Okay guys here is my current bill. I have a 222 and a 722, is my bill going up?

Monthly Charges
Jan 12 - Feb 11 Classic Gold 250 With DVR 67.99
HD & Platinum 10.00
DHA Leased Receiver 7.00
$ 84.99
Come on, let's put this in perspective...
*IF* this alleged price increase actually happens, you have a legitimate beef with DISH . . .

Your big *IF* depends upon how vigorous those of us with 4-6 HD DVR's/Boxes let Dish know through this forum and via emails what we think of Dish's test balloon (Please, this was intentionally leaked by Dish to test the waters) regarding the possible fee restructuring will slam those of us who are AEP with a lot of HD DVR's. So, if this fee restructuring is somehow altered for the better, it is because of us who do get worked up and let Dish know our sentiments rather than your method laying prostrate willing to let Dish stick it to us.

Finally, if you are not an AEP with at least 4-6 HD DVR's and boxes, then you really have no business telling any of US not to get worked up. So far, the only ones who have expressed the Pollyanna, reefer induced, "chill-out, man," attitude have been those with only a few boxes and below AEP. Considering that the talked about fee restructure may result in even a buck or two savings for some subs with one or two boxes, good for them. I am really happy for them. But that means that this possible fee restructure and it's effect on high-end, high HD box, AEP + other services subscribers really doesn't concern them and their calls to sit back and wait sounds about as irrational as you may view our vigor in letting Dish know through this forum and emails or other methods that we don't like what MAY come, and we are wise to scream and doom and gloom about it because facing a possible $30 + increase on the monthly bill is something to scream about. Since you are so relaxed, please take a nap while the rest of us facing over a 20% increase in our bills discuss how this affects US. Over a $30 per month increase that works out to over a 20% increase in the monthly bill for AEP, high-end, high number HD DVR and boxes: how's that for putting it "in perspective." A rhetorical question because I already know and don't care for your answer.
My bill just jumped from $63.21 to $79.34 per month!

I've made NO changes, and all I have is an owned VIP622, hooked up to a single tv, with locals, HD, and the America's 250, or whatever they call it now.

That's larger than Charter cable ever had the balls to jump prices, and they had HUGE balls!
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Come on, let's put this in perspective...
*IF* this alleged price increase actually happens, you have a legitimate beef with DISH . . .

Your big *IF* depends upon how vigorous those of us with 4-6 HD DVR's/Boxes let Dish know through this forum and via emails what we think of Dish's test balloon (Please, this was intentionally leaked by Dish to test the waters) regarding the possible fee restructuring will slam those of us who are AEP with a lot of HD DVR's. So, if this fee restructuring is somehow altered for the better, it is because of us who do get worked up and let Dish know our sentiments rather than your method laying prostrate willing to let Dish stick it to us.

Finally, if you are not an AEP with at least 4-6 HD DVR's and boxes, then you really have no business telling any of US not to get worked up. So far, the only ones who have expressed the Pollyanna, reefer induced, "chill-out, man," attitude have been those with only a few boxes and below AEP. Considering that the talked about fee restructure may result in even a buck or two savings for some subs with one or two boxes, good for them. I am really happy for them. But that means that this possible fee restructure and it's effect on high-end, high HD box, AEP + other services subscribers really doesn't concern them and their calls to sit back and wait sounds about as irrational as you may view our vigor in letting Dish know through this forum and emails or other methods that we don't like what MAY come, and we are wise to scream and doom and gloom about it because facing a possible $30 + increase on the monthly bill is something to scream about. Since you are so relaxed, please take a nap while the rest of us facing over a 20% increase in our bills discuss how this affects US. Over a $30 per month increase that works out to over a 20% increase in the monthly bill for AEP, high-end, high number HD DVR and boxes: how's that for putting it "in perspective." A rhetorical question because I already know and don't care for your answer.

Amen Brother, if my bill goes up by the amount its rumored to tehn I will definetly be dropping my AEP and I might have to get rid of a DVR or 2. I am not taking it in the can, sorry Charlie.
two 722Ks one 625, pittsburgh locals with AEP.
...planned on buying a 3rd 722 high def package yet, about to buy a high def tv
So do you have a big family or something? I am asking because currently with your three boxes you have the capability to watch 6 different programs at the same time. If you really don't have a need for that many simultaneous streams, then it seems you have more hardware than you need -- and you could save a lot of money getting rid of a box or two.

FWIW, I get the impression a lot of people have more DISH hardware than they really need.
My bill just jumped from $63.21 to $79.34 per month!

I've made NO changes, and all I have is an owned VIP622, hooked up to a single tv, with locals, HD, and the America's 250, or whatever they call it now.
So have you actually seen that increase on an actual bill or are you just guessing based on what people have posted? If the former, please post a break down of what exactly went up in price.
So have you actually seen that increase on an actual bill or are you just guessing based on what people have posted? If the former, please post a break down of what exactly went up in price.
New pricing does not take effect until Feb1 and after. It's probably something else, perhaps credits running out.
So do you have a big family or something? I am asking because currently with your three boxes you have the capability to watch 6 different programs at the same time. If you really don't have a need for that many simultaneous streams, then it seems you have more hardware than you need -- and you could save a lot of money getting rid of a box or two.

FWIW, I get the impression a lot of people have more DISH hardware than they really need.

my two 722s are in single mode, my roomate records constantly on the other box.

my other box a 625 doesnt get as much use. I had planned on dropping it, but waiting till this issue is decided.we get friends and family staying here from time to time, i have used the DVR function to infect them, nearly all leave and get one of their own.......

do very little recreationally speaking at this time. tv is my escape i guess.


yes our complaints are at minimum bring this issue to attention at E.

found out years ago the forums are watched carefully by investors and the industry.

so someone at E has this wonderful BEANCOUNTER IDEA:( we can raise revenue while leaving programming alone, while simplyfing the fee structure.......

sounds wonderful doesnt it?

unless you happen to be one of a select group thats going to get hosed bad...........

actually we are doing E a favor:)

holding chucks feet to the fire, if he goes ahead with this bad idea he will look dumb to investors and get slammed at some level for increasing churn.

E could offer a say 50% discountfor high end subs............ for receiver fees

and theres no excuse for the CEO office to just ignore subs mail.

a at minmimu were looking into this and will get back to you is acceptable customer service.

no reply is totally wrong.

whoever at the CEO office decided to use this approach deserves a couple days off without pay!!!:(
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What kills me is that they're claiming to only have 1 DVR fee per account, but they've simply rolled the old fee into their new receiver fee and then tacked on a $6 per account DVR charge. That's not creating one DVR fee per account, that's adding an additional fee. If there really was only one DVR fee per account, then you'd pay the $6, but boxes like the 722 should only be $12 each.

And before anyone argues that the $17 is just a receiver fee and not in part the incorporation of the previous DVR fee, please explain to me why dish is treating DUO DVR boxes different from other DUO boxes? After all, the one DVR fee should cover the entire account, so why the discrepancy in box fees just because someof the boxes are DVRs?

Oh wait, I know, it's that the one DVR fee per account claim is bogus and any informed consumer can see that Dish is trying to pass off an increase in DVR fees overall as one fee per account with simplification of receiver fees.

And don't get me started on the lack of phone line connection credit. Without a new reason to keep them connected, as soon as that credit goes so too will my receiver connections. Dish can deal with having less information about my household viewing habits.
without the phone line connection incentive account stack and audit tem calls will increase a lot.........

lets hope the rest of the story has some good news.
You are completely lost dude.

My numbers are correct.

Lets do math ok? First receiver is included so you don't pay for the 722 lease fee ever follow me? So you are currently paying $7 +5 = 13 and starting Feb 1st you will pay $14 +6 = 20 what is the difference ? $7 not 13 like you think because you used to pay a DVR fee before and you are still are paying a DVR fee.

I always thought 7+5= 12, not 13. But what do I know?

Hopefully, the rest of your computations are more accurate, but I certainly wouldn't trust them
My bill just jumped from $63.21 to $79.34 per month!

I've made NO changes, and all I have is an owned VIP622, hooked up to a single tv, with locals, HD, and the America's 250, or whatever they call it now.

A $13 increase? Sounds to me like you had Cinemax for a penny and they started charging you the full rate for it.
My bill just jumped from $63.21 to $79.34 per month!

I've made NO changes, and all I have is an owned VIP622, hooked up to a single tv, with locals, HD, and the America's 250, or whatever they call it now.

That's larger than Charter cable ever had the balls to jump prices, and they had HUGE balls!

If you only have one receiver, your bill should go up only $1. There is no charge for the first receiver, the programming package will drop by $5, and the DVR fee of $6 will be added.
without the phone line connection incentive account stack and audit tem calls will increase a lot.........

Yeah, and their churn will increase DRAMATICALLY!


I unplugged my phone lines or cannot get landline service. I already get a dramatic increase in my bill and think about switching providers but stay where I am at. Audit team calls and says I have to plug phone lines in. I ask them why since I do not get a discount for plugging them in OR I tell them that cable does not require this and neither does Directv so why do I have to with them. They tell me that is just the way they do things and to prevent another audit I need to do so and I tell them that I cannot and refuse to get landline service just to satisfy them that it will make my price even higher just to keep Dish than it already is since the increase. They shut the receivers off, I switch providers and tell all my friends and people I know and those that I referred to Dish Network what I went through. Some of those people also switch when they start running into same problem or try to avoid what I went through.

Churn increases for Dish Network due to audit team increasingly calling and annoying customers, for price increases, and Directv's and cable's new promotions to target unhappy Dish Network customers wanting to switch.
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