hmm... the way i got my super dish for FREEE was that i was ging to get south asian programming and i also subscribed 2 a south asian channel which required a super dish.. so the installer came and installed a super dish for FREE and then like 1 day later i canceled the SUPER dish cahnnel that i had subcribed for.. so u mite wana try that.. u can look up the super dish chanels in international progaming.. URDU chanels... good luk
D1000 is being used in certain DMA's where the locals require a two dish set up..This is now a violation of FCC rules....When Sat got permission from the FCC to go local into local one of the regs was that the cust muct be able to get their locals using single dish..
E* lauched the 129 bird and is now moving locals in some DMA's there..I know the Roaknke ,VA dma falls into this...I believe Erie ,PA is another...I don't care for the 129 slot because it is so low in the sky..... at some latitudes,129 could be blocked by a tree across the street. Also I hear that VOOM chs may be moved to 129 as well.....that's just rumeor though..stay tuned