Those HD channels are going to be available because they are in Conus Beam so we have to wait what is on it.
But, the issue is Available vs. actually Activated for our packages.
Those HD channels are going to be available because they are in Conus Beam so we have to wait what is on it.
Any activity on the temps, or are they still just slates?
I see WNDU (Ch 16 in South Bend) is showing active in HD now. On 61.5 Can anyone confirm that it is available? If so, I will be installing my old Dish 500 pointed to 61.5 and hoping they get the rest of the locals up soon. No chance of the South Bend locals coming to 110, 119 or 129?? Probably not, but thought I would ask. Never hurts to ask!
Update: I see they added it and removed it...I guess it isn't available yet. DARN
Tell me how - I'll check now.
FYI... the MPEG4 HD's added to 110 are running around 1mbps, which means they are probably a slate. So the HD on 110 is getting quite a bit of bandwidth since the TMP channels aren't pulling much bandwidth. They should look awesome right now!
Sort of asking an "Apples and Oranges" type of question there.Digiblur,
Three years ago I thought that the bitrate for mpeg2 was around 12-17 mbps and was subsequently reduced to 7-11 mbps which severely downgraded the picture quality.
How does 1 mbps in mpeg4 compare to 12-17 mbps in mpeg2 which yielded an excellent picture?
Any activity on the temps, or are they still just slates?
Still 1 still assumed to be slates.
Just assume there will be no announcement about any new HD (other than VS/Golf split) Than I can garuntee that u wont be disapointedThat does not make me feel too optimistic about tomorrow.
I can confirm that I can watch WNDU-HD on 5192 and WNDU-SD on 7092.
here's hoping the other 3 follow quickly since they were previously uplinked earlier this year.
Unless they pull a few channels in the dark of the night.Just assume there will be no announcement about any new HD (other than VS/Golf split) Than I can garuntee that u wont be disapointed
Well, there is also the likely possibility that they are going to announce channels tomorrow night for a Wednesday or Friday launch...
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