"...anticipating getting HD locals for nearly half a year..."
Norfolk, VA locals(HD) were on the slate for 2006, but due to negotiations w/ LIN, we never got them until this year. I didn't leave, threaten to leave, or jump up & down when they kept being pushed off, it's only TV. And before some one says anything about OTA, those channels aren't available to me OTA because of a LPT directly in my path to them. They are over 100 miles away & the LPT is about 2 miles away running 5KW... sometimes things just take a little longer.
Norfolk, VA locals(HD) were on the slate for 2006, but due to negotiations w/ LIN, we never got them until this year. I didn't leave, threaten to leave, or jump up & down when they kept being pushed off, it's only TV. And before some one says anything about OTA, those channels aren't available to me OTA because of a LPT directly in my path to them. They are over 100 miles away & the LPT is about 2 miles away running 5KW... sometimes things just take a little longer.