as long as they have more variety, Rave just had like 10 things they showed over and over.
According to the guide,expect the same for palladia
as long as they have more variety, Rave just had like 10 things they showed over and over.
ADD 15147 WWAY2 EEPG Tp 29 Spot 2 EchoStar 10 110w UNAVAIL HIDE
ADD 15149 WECT2 EEPG Tp 27 Spot 2 EchoStar 10 110w UNAVAIL HIDE
ADD 15150 WUNJ2 EEPG Tp 27 Spot 2 EchoStar 10 110w UNAVAIL HIDE
ADD 15151 WUNJ3 EEPG Tp 27 Spot 2 EchoStar 10 110w UNAVAIL HIDE
ADD 15152 WUNJ4 EEPG Tp 27 Spot 2 EchoStar 10 110w UNAVAIL HIDE
ADD 15153 WUNJ5 EEPG Tp 27 Spot 2 EchoStar 10 110w UNAVAIL HIDE
FEC watchers have some changes.
The change is because MTV-HD, VH1HD and CMT-HD are coming and will (FINALLY) have real HD content. So MTV netorks is building this new brand to showcast live concerts.
Back to MHD, it had good selection of HD music shows and was not that repetitive, unless the new Palladia deal changed that.
It appears to carry the same programming it did last week and the week before, and the week before. (With the exception that they have Monterey Pop on tonight - don't remember seeing that on before.)
The logo bug is nice and tiny...gotta like that. But from a marketing perspective, this is the dumbest name change ever.
Would the change from 5/6 to 7/8 FEC cause the Signal Strength Screen reading to go down ?
My readings on EchoStar 11 are lower, except that the HD transponders like transponder 7 have not changed, and EchoStar 10 is not lower.
I think so. All the transponders that changed to 7/8 FEC today went down in the SS screen.
Just an example, TP 11 was at 58 when Echostar 11 went live it went to 73. Now that same TP is at 66.
Yep, it seems the receivers use a type of signal quality/signal strength calculation. The FEC was brought up so it brought the error rate up a bit. But as you can see it is still better than what you had before.
By this do you mean finally coming to Dish? And by that would it be soon or farther out?
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