Strange Dish told me BETHD does not exit. How come dish does not know----call dish and make their CSR lines overload untill dish fix this problem and all who should get BETHD get BETHD.
It is red here. AEP, HD, HD Platinum. 61.5
They need to get these things correct.
Anybody try a reboot or check switch to force a guide update?
u try pullingthe smartcard?Yes. Check switch. Updated the guide but still didn't authorize the channel.
I have classic 250 plus platinum hd and it is red for me also.
i get it from 129, i dont have 61.5
What a bummer for you. You'd nevermind.Red here with AEP and Platinum...
WTF? You'd nevermind. dfergie no go and you got it. What's the difference?available to me AEP/PLAT.
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