DBS in Haiti
The Skyvision referenced item is not very efficient, due to the
DBS LNBF simply being placed into a hole drilled into a scalar ring.
This means that the DBS device is not exactly at the center of the
antenna's focal point, and since it is not modified for prime focus use,
is not well-matched for said antenna. While it works acceptably
in U.S. lower 48 locations, remember that an 18 inch offset dish works
well in most of those locations. Haiti is not blessed with strong signals.
Several things need to be considered; if you were talking about
some of the stronger DISH Network signals from 110 or 119,
a minimum 1.2 meter solid offset dish with offset DBS LNBF would
suffice. However, if this 10-foot dish is mesh and prime focus,
even with the best DBS LNBF device (ADL Prime focus DBS LNBF,
available on our website), may provide less signal than a 1.2 m
solid offset with offset DBS LNBF. We have numerous customers
in the Caribbean using 10-foot SOLID prime focus antennas from Patriot, with the above mentioned ADL PF DBS LNBF, that are doing quite well.
It's all about efficiency, and unless you have a solid reflector with an LNBF appropriate to your antenna's f/d ratio, signal levels will suffer.