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Using a Signal Strength Meter | SatelliteGuys.US

Using a Signal Strength Meter


Original poster
Jul 20, 2004

Maybe a professional installer or knowledgeable person can answer this for me. I purchased an Acutrac 22Pro meter (second hand from a friend for $90). The instructions that come with it tell you how to use it, but not necessarily what the readings mean.

Signal strength is straight forward - (align dish for the highest reading possible; comparing strength at the dish end to strength at the receiver endindicates signal loss over the cable). The receiver voltage reading is pretty straight forward - as I switch through odd and even transponders on the receiver, the voltage should switch between 13 and 18 volts.

However in the Signal view and receiver view there is a reading for electrical current in milliamps. What is this current reading telling me, and how do I use it? Is there a good level and a bad level? Should I see different levels if I take readings at the dish and then at the receiver? Ahead of or behind the multiswitch? How do I use the reading for current.

Is this question too hard? Not phrased properly to make any sense? To specific to this meter? I'm starting to feel un-loved.
Korsjs, thanks for the warm welcome. Now how 'bout an explanantion. Of course if this area is only for satelliet and electrical geeks, and dumb questions by the unititiated aren't allowed, then tell me that also.
I dont use that brand of meter, but it is a good one...
but to answer your question...

However in the Signal view and receiver view there is a reading for electrical current in milliamps. What is this current reading telling me, and how do I use it?

I believe this is to test the coax for a short, you would hook up the acutrac to one end of the coax run and put a 75 ohm Terminator on the other end for return... Your meter would read this level to determin that the line is good or bad...

If you don't have an owners manual, you can get one here!

Acutrac 22 Pro Equipment Manual

Hope this helps
You can check your cable for current loss .
Hook up to reciever get reading , hook up to cable at lnb compare the readings.
MY THANKS to the two previous post. My apolpgies if this question is "Electricity 101", but ain't that what the forum is for?

BTW, I do have the manual. It tells you how to hook up the meter and what you will see, but assumes the user will have knowledge to understand the infomation presented. That's understandable since I'm sure the meter is targeted at trained installers - of which I am not.
TonyL222 said:
Korsjs, thanks for the warm welcome. Now how 'bout an explanantion. Of course if this area is only for satelliet and electrical geeks, and dumb questions by the unititiated aren't allowed, then tell me that also.

Simple Simon is not a knock at you. He is a member who is very knowlegable when it comes to the tech stuff of the satellite world.
korsjs said:
Simple Simon is not a knock at you. He is a member who is very knowlegable when it comes to the tech stuff of the satellite world.

Ah! Thanks. My faith is restored :) I apologize for assuming the worst, and thanks for the reply.
Dunno how I missed this one.

One note - while this meter is 'da bomb', it's not intended to do short/open cable testing. A simple multimeter will do that.

Ya gotta have a minimum amount of available current to drive the LNBFs (and sometimes switches), and receivers can only supply so much. If the cable is too long and/or not 'hefty' enough, there's gonna be too much voltage drop, which has to be compensated for with more current. Exceed the limits, and things start acting strange or just quit working.
SimpleSimon said:
If the cable is too long and/or not 'hefty' enough, there's gonna be too much voltage drop, which has to be compensated for with more current. Exceed the limits, and things start acting strange or just quit working.

Thanks, Simon. So are you saying that a high (relative) current flow is a sign of problems?
bnaivar said:
Ohms law: E=I*R

My law: If it's working, don't mess with it. :D

I had to go brush up on my basic electricity, but that REALLY DID help. Thanks. Not making any changes (other than finetuning my dish aim), but trying to understand the info this meter is presetning to me. Thanks.

Some very knowledgeable and helpful people in this group :bow

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