Good Lord!!! They'll have to call security to get you out of the area at closing! 
Even though I'm a staunch Apple fanboi, if you don't want to use OSX at all, then the choice is fairly easy. Get a Sony. Good solid designs and nearly as good as Apple in build quality. The only downside to a Sony vs Apple is that the tech support (if needed) isn't quite as good imo.
But if you want to use Windows for most things, and also have OSX around to play with, then the Macbook makes most sense.

Even though I'm a staunch Apple fanboi, if you don't want to use OSX at all, then the choice is fairly easy. Get a Sony. Good solid designs and nearly as good as Apple in build quality. The only downside to a Sony vs Apple is that the tech support (if needed) isn't quite as good imo.
But if you want to use Windows for most things, and also have OSX around to play with, then the Macbook makes most sense.