So it is D*...........the HD lacker gets rid of HD, way to go D*
U Bastards!
we take awayth, D* new moto
D* Demanding this that and the other, no wonder we lack so much HD
Versus is now airing a commercial which says DirecTV dosnet care what their viewers want. Saying D* told them that Viewers want other programmin then Versus. The commerical then says all the sports that air on *D and if you switch to other provider you can still see Versus sports.
I guess your definition of "A lot" is very different then dictionary's.A lot of people watch VS a lot, a lot of the time. DirecTV will settle this dispute and keep VS on the air or upset a lot of people.
Versus playing chicken with DirecTV over NHL coverage - Allan Muir -
Interesting article. Kind of backs up my post that Versus way overpaid for the Indy Racing League and needs to cover it's losses.
I love this part (Translation) "We're asking them to pay us more then we're worth, but I have no idea why they said no!"LOL."Despite this tremendous momentum, we are offering DirecTV the ability to carry VERSUS the same way it does today at the market price for the network. We continue to talk and are hopeful that we will reach an agreement."
Versus, just sign a damn deal. If you aren't on DirectTV, then all of a sudden most of the nation goes from having you, to not having you. Think of all the ad revenue lost.
I don't know the nature of the negotations, but both sides need to get this done.
I'll be honest, I do need versus. Most of the year I don't. However my dad does watch a lot of the outdoors shows.
I need it for my hockey, as my team is on Versus a number of times each year, and most importantly, most of the playoff's are on Versus.
I am a pens fan, & you can't imagine the s**t fit I would have thrown this past spring if I wasn't able to watch one of the finals games, or the 3rd round. Hell, even the 1st 2 rounds there are a few games on RSN, but Versus still has a bunch of those exclusively as well.
Oh hell no. No way will I sit here and not be able to watch my local pro hockey team play on TV, in the regular season and the playoff's. I cringe at the thought that I might have hundreds of channels from D*, yet somehow am still gonna have to head to a bar somewhere to catch some games.
Nah, honestly I'll go to a neighbors house that has Dish Network and watch it there, as I comtemplete throwing my D* reciever out the window.
Versus needs D*, for themselves. But for us, we need D* to have Versus. I switched to D* back in the spring due to them surpassing E* in every which way, but as far as programming E* has caught back up, I would say. And D* losing Versus, would actually put them a step behind, easily.
The thing about Versus is that it doesn't seem to be something a lot of people watch all day long, yet nobody wants to lose it cuz its still a vital channel on certain days of the year due to the NHL, football, racing, ect.
NHL is around the corner guys, and I'll be real damn pissed if there is no versus. Period.
This kinda gets me. Everyone here complains when DirecTV up's prices each year, yet everyone throws a fit when they remove a channel(Which is very rare) because the programmer wants to charge more and DirecTV doesn't believe that's the price the channel is worth.Versus, just sign a damn deal. If you aren't on DirectTV, then all of a sudden most of the nation goes from having you, to not having you. Think of all the ad revenue lost.
I don't know the nature of the negotations, but both sides need to get this done.
I'll be honest, I do need versus. Most of the year I don't. However my dad does watch a lot of the outdoors shows.
I need it for my hockey, as my team is on Versus a number of times each year, and most importantly, most of the playoff's are on Versus.
I am a pens fan, & you can't imagine the s**t fit I would have thrown this past spring if I wasn't able to watch one of the finals games, or the 3rd round. Hell, even the 1st 2 rounds there are a few games on RSN, but Versus still has a bunch of those exclusively as well.
Oh hell no. No way will I sit here and not be able to watch my local pro hockey team play on TV, in the regular season and the playoff's. I cringe at the thought that I might have hundreds of channels from D*, yet somehow am still gonna have to head to a bar somewhere to catch some games.
Nah, honestly I'll go to a neighbors house that has Dish Network and watch it there, as I comtemplete throwing my D* reciever out the window.
Versus needs D*, for themselves. But for us, we need D* to have Versus. I switched to D* back in the spring due to them surpassing E* in every which way, but as far as programming E* has caught back up, I would say. And D* losing Versus, would actually put them a step behind, easily.
The thing about Versus is that it doesn't seem to be something a lot of people watch all day long, yet nobody wants to lose it cuz its still a vital channel on certain days of the year due to the NHL, football, racing, ect.
NHL is around the corner guys, and I'll be real damn pissed if there is no versus. Period.
lol DirecTV has a new message on the screen. "Comcast is demanding DirecTV drop Versus after August 31st, unless DirecTV agrees to Comcast's unreasonable demans." It then says to go to D*'s website for more info.
(and btw I have been a lurker here since May when I got D* and you all do a great job here, so I finnaly joined ya lol)
I wonder what they are doing in the NHL offices about now ?
I would hope they have a back up plan in case D* and VS can't get along.
I suppose the NHL could start actually using the NHL Network for showing GAMES, something they rarely do, till this gets worked out.
Not quite. Not every D* customer subscribes Choice Extra pack , and everyone that does have it may not really care about it.. They lose 24 million viewers just like that.
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