If you're into old point & click adventure games, GoG is having a sale.
Thanks!In case some of you are disappointed by the new Thief game and want to go back to the original, you can pick up a free copy of Thief: Gold by going to this website and filling out your name and email. Then it'll generate a Amazon Promo Code and let you add the game to your Amazon cart, and then when you put the promo code in at checkout it'll make the game free. Just picked up a copy myself. It MIGHT say that they're out of keys, but if you try later you should be able to pick it up, as this is run by Amazon as it's part of a contest to make the best Thief Mod. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/?docId=1001928521&pf_rd_p=1740132462&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=979455011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0G6DAT0WH2S2SVZG4KCT&ref_=acs_ux_hsb_5s_4_s_DVGFeb25 Amazon has a bunch of other sales too, like GTA3-GTA4 Complete for $11.99, Max Payne 3 & LA Noire Complete (Both, not individual) for $9.99, and the Mass Effect Trilogy for $11.99. http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=amb_link_383223362_2?ie=UTF8&node=2445220011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-1&pf_rd_r=0G6DAT0WH2S2SVZG4KCT&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1683648382&pf_rd_i=979455011
In case some of you are disappointed by the new Thief game and want to go back to the original, you can pick up a free copy of Thief: Gold by going to this website and filling out your name and email. Then it'll generate a Amazon Promo Code and let you add the game to your Amazon cart, and then when you put the promo code in at checkout it'll make the game free. Just picked up a copy myself. It MIGHT say that they're out of keys, but if you try later you should be able to pick it up, as this is run by Amazon as it's part of a contest to make the best Thief Mod.
Amazon has a bunch of other sales too, like GTA3-GTA4 Complete for $11.99, Max Payne 3 & LA Noire Complete (Both, not individual) for $9.99, and the Mass Effect Trilogy for $11.99.
Well one of the main complaints of the new Thief is that it didn't carry over much of what made the original so great (Sprawling levels, good writing, etc) so if you like those things it may be worth giving a look.I just took advantage of the free offer for the original Thief. I have never played anything in the series but I am actually enjoying the new one so far so I might check out the original at some point. I think my expectations were lowered enough from the reviews that anything I do like is a welcome surprise.
I'm getting the Mass Effect Trilogy too. I have already mentioned a few times that this trilogy is probably my favorite video game franchise of all time. I already own the games on PS3 and I don't know if I will ever play them again but at that price I can't help myself. It's nice to know that I will have the PC versions tied to my account long after my PS3 is put away if I ever want to go back and play them.
In case some of you are disappointed by the new Thief game and want to go back to the original, you can pick up a free copy of Thief: Gold by going to this website and filling out your name and email. Then it'll generate a Amazon Promo Code and let you add the game to your Amazon cart, and then when you put the promo code in at checkout it'll make the game free. Just picked up a copy myself. It MIGHT say that they're out of keys, but if you try later you should be able to pick it up, as this is run by Amazon as it's part of a contest to make the best Thief Mod.
Amazon has a bunch of other sales too, like GTA3-GTA4 Complete for $11.99, Max Payne 3 & LA Noire Complete (Both, not individual) for $9.99, and the Mass Effect Trilogy for $11.99.
They may as well call that the "Don't Make Any F***ing Plans Sale."http://www.greenmangaming.com/focus-on-2k/
For $29.99 you get Bioshock Infinite, Borderlands 2, Civ V, XCOM Enemy Unknown, XCOM Complete Pack, Civ IV, Bioshock 1, and Borderlands 1.
Agreed, but you HAVE to go back to the page and look at the youtube advertising videos. It's AMAZING what they consider to be "selling points" of these games.I'll pass on this one too. There isn't a single game there that I want.
Agreed, but you HAVE to go back to the page and look at the youtube advertising videos. It's AMAZING what they consider to be "selling points" of these games.
All I know is that if I had found Euro Truck Simulator back when I got married 5+ years ago I probably wouldn't have found the time to have kids..Bridge Project looks intense. You can build bridges with various backdrops and then stress test them with cars or buses. Sounds like a great Saturday night to me.
The good news is that a new weekly bundle starts this afternoon.
Looks like this week for Humble we got PopCap games (Bejeweled, Peggle, Plants Vs Zombies, etc.) Not bad if you want some casual games, and EA isn't taking any profits from this either.
I'm sure using Steam/Origin will appeal highly to them..I'm picking this one up. The included games don't do a whole lot for me. My mom, on the other hand, loves this stuff. My dad doesn't like it quite as much but she loves to force him to play stuff like this to keep his brain sharp. I guess it's better than watching TV at night. I picked up the bundle for $6 because they are all light enough games for their laptop. Plus the money goes to a good cause. It's all going to cancer research.
Edit: What the hell. I decided to bump it up to $10 because I like where the money is going.
I'm sure using Steam/Origin will appeal highly to them..
EA? DRM Free? Hah, surely you jest!Yeah, that's not ideal. My mom is pretty computer savvy though. She works on one all day as a CPA. Anyways, I would have preferred DRM free copies like they offer for some games but you can still put individual game icons on the desktop even if you are using Steam or Origin. I know because I've done it by accident a couple times. I'm assuming it's smart enough to launch the required DRM when they double click the icon. If not they would have a little more trouble with it.
She loves Candy Crush and games like that on her iPad. I think games like Peggle and Bejeweled would be right up her alley and I can already see her forcing that Bookworm game on my dad. I can see her being in to PvZ too even though that's a little different than the other games.
Limited time offer