Another PSN Flash Sale that dovetails nicely with our 10% off weekend. The sale mostly consists of PSN downloadable games. But there are several newer ones for the PS4, including Costume Quest 2 ($3 and already in my shopping cart), Rollers of the Realm ($4), Shadow Warrior ($6), and Strike Suit Zero ($4).
Even if it was available, it's not eligible. Preorders are not eligible for the 10% discount because Sony knows how to make good business decisions.
I just looked at the list of games in that Flash sale again. When I looked last night I was on the PS4 so it only showed PS4 games. I think I'll pick up Dead Nation for $3.20. I have it on PS4 thanks to PS Plus but it seem like a game I would get more use out of on Vita. It's hardly worth using the 10% off code on that though.
Unfortunately the PS3 and Vita games are cross-buy but the PS4 one isn't or I would already have it for free. From what I can tell it looks like they added some DLC in with the PS4 version and got around cross buy by changing the title to Apocalypse Edition.
Edit: I ended up getting Dead Nation and Costume Quest 2. After the 10% discount the total for my cart was $5.58.
Sorry I was too late. I came here to post you could also get Dead Nation for PS3 through this class action lawsuit settlement stemming from the 2011 PSN hack. This is in addition to any other games you might have picked up in 2011's Welcome Back pack:
However, you can certainly do a lost worse for the price of a pint of craft beer.
I unfortunately put Dead Nation on a subaccount when I grabbed it in the Welcome Back pack, so I can't now use the cross-buy feature to play it on my Vita, which is tied to my main account. (Cheaters never prosper I guess.)
Big EA sale for Xbox One owners. The standout in this deal is Titanfall: The Deluxe Edition for $12.50. Honestly that was too much for ME to pass on, especially since my cousins have and play the game. This will also likely give the community a big boost since the game is so cheap. You can also get the regular edition for $10, but the season pass is like $5, so it makes no sense to buy anything BUT the Deluxe Edition if you don't already have it. There's other deals as well on various EA Sports games and other titles, and Another World: 20th Anniversary is also heavily discounted. The best deals appear to be on Bundled editions of games. Not sure what prompted this sale. Maybe it was the "blizzard" in the Northeast. Here's a list of all the sales:
Free PS Plus games for February are
Apotheon (PS4)
Transistor (PS4)
Thief (PS3)
Yakuza 4 (PS3)
Rogue Legacy (all three systems)
Kick & Fennick (Vita)
I'm disappointed Thief isn't on PS4. I'm very interested in playing it, but not enough to spend real money on it. I honestly don't know anything about the other games, so I'll need to research a bit.
EDIT: I just watched the video at the link above and have to say this looks like a pretty good month. I'm excited about Apotheon due to my art history background, though I'm generally not a fan of beat 'em ups. Yakuza 4 looks like Sleeping Dogs, which I really enjoyed (I just hope the story is as good). Transistor and Kick & Fennick look pretty cool too, though I don't know if I'd ever get around to them.
Damn. I just bought Transistor on Steam about a month ago. Oh well, I only spent like $6 on it. I've never heard of Apotheon or Kick & Fennick.
This is a very good month for Transistor and Rogue Legacy alone. I've already put quite a bit of time into Rogue Legacy on PC but I will gladly go for a trophy hunt on PS4/Vita. I'm not sure if there is a Platinum trophy for this game but if there is I'm going after it. I've read that the cross-play is very good so it's simple to switch back and forth between platforms.
Between Rogue Legacy, Binding of Isaac, Don't Starve, and Spelunky I may never need another Vita game. They are all endlessly re-playable and seem like perfect fits for portable gaming. By that I mean, they are good for short bursts but they are also easy to get wrapped up in for a couple hours at a time.
Limited time offer