I'm going to wait until the 50% Steam discount. Actually I may jut wait until the inevitable 75% that will likely come with the last released episode.
I'm going to wait until the 50% Steam discount. Actually I may jut wait until the inevitable 75% that will likely come with the last released episode.
At least the Steam keys are separate. Yeah it does suck that they combined all Origin into one, but this was likely done because I bet a bunch of people abused the last system and ended up selling a bunch of the Origin keys for profit. Can't knock them for that, especially since they're donating these for charity, so it'd be bad business to lose out on potential profits that are going elsewhere.
Here's my question.. why just Mass Effect 2? If they release 1 and 3 as well, THAT would be really sweet. Or even if they just included one other game (preferably 1) that'd be cool as you'd only need to separately buy 1 game. I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled a curve and did something like include the new SimCity in an effort to help curtail Skylines' success (which recently celebrated 1 million copies sold btw.)
I will also give EA credit in that they're not "shying" away from this deal. This bundle is now on the Origin website, and if you try to buy any of the games in the bundle, they tell you that the game is also in the bundle and provide a link to the bundle sale. It's nice to see a company realize how hated they are really try to improve themselves and provide more value to their customers. Yeah they still have some ways to go, but they're definitely not "Worst Company of the Year" material by any stretch of the imagination.
The Borderlands Pre Sequel Season pass is $9.89 via Gamestop (PC Version)
The game is also on sale for $23.99 meaning you can get the whole package for $33.88.
Thanks for posting. This is the lowest price I have seen for both the base game and the season pass. Looks like I'm finally going to pick this up.
The Mass Effect Trilogy is also on sale for $10.19.
Limited time offer