I have been upgraded to 6.14 for about a week now and here are some problems I currently have...
I also get the black screens, both OTA and Sat
Dropped audio (had this with 6.13 also)
Picture jitter...used to get this with SD only, but now get with HD
Lower signal threshold on OTA signals
Using VIP622 connected to a Toshiba plasma using component and optical cables.
Having problems recording on VIP622. HD channels only
My 622 has just developed a new problem. The timers on the OTA channels are no longer recording. Even deleted some of the timers and re-created the recording schedule for the show - they still do not work! This is OTA channels only...
Since you couldn't find anything about this in other threads and since this is a thread about bugs with the 622 receiver, you might be better off creating .... a new thread.Not receiving Dish local SD channels
Another 622/722 receiver that's constantly rebooting.... Very, very odd, isn't it ?My 3rd refurbished replacement 622 just died on me this morning... same "continuous reboot hell" symptoms as described in this thread.
Okay we have a problem with VIP722 and it is getting worse now to the point of driving us crazy. While watching live or DVR event a "Satellite signal lost" error keeps coming on. Was told it could be the OTA losing signal. It is not the OTA. I have tried to make sure that we are not tuned to OTA in any way and it still happens. The other night it kept doing it and I tried changing the tuned channel to each of the 3 sat positions (110/119/61.5) and it gave the same error for each. Yesterday and today trying to watch live TV it was doing it every 30 sec to a minute. Each time pushing DVR or Guide button clears it. Each time there is no loss of program and rewinding reveals nothing missed. TV 2 was tuned to the same channel and it never happened to TV2 only TV 1. This is driving all of us nuts. First thought it was OTA, but definitely not OTA. Have a Dish Tech coming on Monday due to they detected I have low signals and they wanted to send tech for no charge to me. We'll see what happens.
Anyone else been seeing this problem?
Yes, I've occasionally have had this problem but not to the degree you are experiencing. Please post any additional info you might get from the tech visit.
I have just about had it too. I have 2 722's and only have the problem on one of them. I really only happens when there are commercials on the screen. The other times, (regular programming) it's alright.
I get funny squiggly lines running horizontally across the screen in the center of the screen and then it goes "blue" for a few seconds. The sound at these times is ok, but the picture drops. When the regular programing comes up, there isn't a problem. Good thing too. I was just watching Tiger loose the Masters and I wanted to be able to at least see him finish. (Come on Kenny Perry)
Any body else have this particular problem?
I will definitely report back Monday night.
Funny it never seems to happen to me during commercials, only during the program. I too was watching the Masters Sat and it was driving me crazy. Couldn't watch today due to scheduling and have to sleep for working midnight shift. Sounds like an exciting finish for a change.![]()
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