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Visual Browsing Experience? | SatelliteGuys.US

Visual Browsing Experience?


Original poster
Nov 10, 2011
Blades, DE
Sorry if this has been asked before, but my search didn't turn up any results if it had.

Aside from the fact that I enjoy beta testing software, so the CE program was great, one of the other reasons I really wanted to get the new HD guide was because of the mentioned "Visual Browsing Experience" mentioned at the /newHD url.

Let me explain... My 4 year old has a tv in his room that he's allowed to watch before bed on days he's "good". Before recently having directv installed, we had a Roku box in his room.

He was able to use the Roku entirely on his own. This was because it had a "Visual Browsing Experience" of sorts. He knew to go into the "Netflix" icon where he found a list of all his shows (and other recommended shows, etc) and then could visually pick out the show he wanted to watch based on the "posters" that were displayed. If he wanted to watch Dora the Explorer, he could pick it right out... If he wanted to watch Super Why, same thing, etc...

With the standard software he really couldn't use the TV on his own... Despite the guide being restricted down to only channels with his kind of shows, the text was meaningless to him since he can't read. On the other hand, just going up or down through the channels using the channel button was no good either, since it wouldn't JUST go through the channels in his guide, or channels that weren't blocked... It would scroll through ALL the channels, even blocked ones, so it was again pretty useless...

When I saw that the new HD guide boasted a visual browsing experience, and on the site seemed to show the same sort of "lots of posters" grid display, I figured it would be perfect for him and get him back into business using the TV on his own.

Unfortunately I haven't been able to locate such a feature. I generally consider myself a smart individual, but either I'm missing something or it's just not there...

In fact, the CLOSEST thing I can find (in 0x586) to a "visual browsing experience" is the "My DirecTV" section... Which isn't too bad... EXCEPT that this ONLY shows up on the main DVR. It doesn't even give that option in the menu of my other HD receivers.

So I'm trying to determine a few things... First... Is this feature really there and I'm just not seeing it for some reason? Is there a special way to get to it that I haven't discovered?

If it's not there, is it something that is coming but isn't included in the software yet? I see that the HD guide is supposedly rolling out as an NR now, so I'd think it would be there by now?

If it's not there, is it coming? If not, can I submit a feature request somewhere to have this ability?

What would be really great would be maybe a "setting" where the guide could be defaulted to a "visual" mode... Hitting the guide in this mode would bring up "posters" representing the shows currently showing. Let the user move through and highlight the one they want, then selecting it will tune to that channel.

Taking it a step further and being able to visually represent the DVR list would be great too, but I'll settle for just the guide for now.

I mean, not just for young viewers, but I think this would be a great accessibility feature for those who might be illiterate or have other conditions which prevent them from being able to easily read the guides/lists.
Visual Browsing Experience ?

Never heard of that before, however, what I think your describing is what they call "Posters" which show up on each channel in the guide, It shows up on the Top Right hand side of each show in the guide.

For example, if I have the guide up for now and scroll to for example 294 (the Hub) the guide pops up and the current channel I am on shows in the Top Left while the "Poster" for the show on the channel I have the cursor on show on the Top Right in most instances.
It's 930-10 pm block right now on that channel, the poster for Family Ties shows, at 10pm, it will change to "Happy Days" poster.

It;s there on the New Gui, but I thought that it was also part of the old gui as well.

Unfortunately, inside the Menus, everything has gone to Icons ... really don't like that idea, but nothing I can do about it.
Visual Browsing Experience ?

Never heard of that before, however, what I think your describing is what they call "Posters"

Sort of, but... Have a look at this url... New HD On-Screen Guide

About half way down the page you'll see the part that talks about the "Visual Browsing Experience", and the text states:

"Movie posters and icons replace just plain text to make browsing a visual pleasure. Plus you'll find all the movies that are on right now in one convenient menu, so you won't have to search channel by channel. It's never been easier to find movies and shows you want to watch. "

Now it's true that if you go into the "Search" section and then the "All Movies" section it will kinda do what they are saying, but that's of course ONLY movies, AND it includes ppv stuff...

If you look at the image just above that section, the one with the remote right smack in the middle, you'll see a "grid" of posters... That fits more like what I think of with their first and last sentence, "Movie posters and icons replace just plain text.........It's never been easier to find movies AND shows you want to watch..."

Something like that image, that would be the "program guide" would be perfect for my little boy... So if Disney Channel was showing an episode of mickey mouse club house, he'd see a poster for it... if Nick Jr. was showing max and ruby, he'd see a poster for that, likewise if Sprout was showing Calliou, he'd see that poster as well...

In other words, the list of words that have no meaning to him would be replaced with a "board" of posters that he recognizes and knows exactly what they are... Selecting the "Max and Ruby" poster would tune the receiver to Nick Jr.

See what I mean? Anyone who has ever used a Roku knows exactly what I'm talking about here... it's how all of the shows and guides are laid out on it... and it makes it incredibly easy for a child to navigate on their own.
Don't take this the wrong way please, but.

So basically they are "Dumbing down" the guide to make it so a child can mess up what an adult worked to accomplish, HOPEFULLY they don't do this with the caibration section of the box ...
I personally would rather they make it look more "Professional" that making it work for a child.

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Don't take this the wrong way please, but.

So basically they are "Dumbing down" the guide to make it so a child can mess up what an adult worked to accomplish, HOPEFULLY they don't do this with the caibration section of the box ...
I personally would rather they make it look more "Professional" that making it work for a child.

Sent from my Samsung Epic using SatelliteGuys

I'm not quite sure I follow... They aren't doing anything... Other than in the description it DOES mention a "visual browsing experience" which is SORT of there in the My DirecTV menu option, but it lacks a lot of what it could be... What I'm suggesting is not to make this the default for everyone... What I'm suggesting is to offer a mode like this that can be "enabled" or "turned on" for a receiver that is used for children... So that they can easily navigate and use the receiver on their own.
leave the GUI alone; children under 16yo should be managing their own TV viewing anyway IMHO.

I tell ya what... You spend a week in my home... Familiarize yourself with my child, his behavior, our parenting, what settings and restrictions we have on what material he can view, how much tv he is allowed to watch, etc...

Once you've done that, you can go ahead and comment on how you think those things might be changed or improved...

But don't worry... As soon as you're finished we'll let you get back to the Special Olympics...
When I was a kid we didn't watch much TV, it was OUTSIDE for us, doing things with the neighbor kids, playing ball and stuff like that.

Kinda sounds like the Kid is running the show, not the other way around.

WHY would a KID have his own DVR or TV for that matter.

You might want to Call D* and ask them what thier expectations are for this feature, maybe it's just getting started and will evolve as time goes by.
I tell ya what... You spend a week in my home... Familiarize yourself with my child, his behavior, our parenting, what settings and restrictions we have on what material he can view, how much tv he is allowed to watch, etc...

Once you've done that, you can go ahead and comment on how you think those things might be changed or improved...

But don't worry... As soon as you're finished we'll let you get back to the Special Olympics...

YAWN!! Defensive much? I must have hit a raw never that someone else must have already hit you with before. LOL

I agree with Jimbo. (his words) sounds like the kid is either running the show or (my words) has the TV as a sitter as opposed to adult intervention or outside social interactions.

I have 4 kids and they get a MAX of about 1.5 - 2 hours a TV and/or PC and an adult manages that time and the changing of the channels.

They are outside or doing chores or attending their after-school activities.

As for the Special Olympics remarks; you are an insensitive tool and God help you if you ever have a special needs family member.
When I was a kid we didn't watch much TV, it was OUTSIDE for us, doing things with the neighbor kids, playing ball and stuff like that.

Kinda sounds like the Kid is running the show, not the other way around.

WHY would a KID have his own DVR or TV for that matter.

You might want to Call D* and ask them what thier expectations are for this feature, maybe it's just getting started and will evolve as time goes by.

Trust me, he spends plenty of time outside, between playing soccer, t-ball, and with his friends. He is only allowed 1 hour of tv a night and 3 hours on weekend days... He has a wild independence streak which we choose to nurture rather than stifle. He wants to be able to do things for himself and will put every bit of effort into learning things that he can't do on his own. There's already too many people in this world that want everything handed to them, or want others to do things for them (i.e. just look at the occupy movement), the last thing we're going to do is start conditioning him to have that same attitude.
YAWN!! Defensive much? I must have hit a raw never that someone else must have already hit you with before. LOL

I agree with Jimbo. (his words) sounds like the kid is either running the show or (my words) has the TV as a sitter as opposed to adult intervention or outside social interactions.

I have 4 kids and they get a MAX of about 1.5 - 2 hours a TV and/or PC and an adult manages that time and the changing of the channels.

They are outside or doing chores or attending their after-school activities.

As for the Special Olympics remarks; you are an insensitive tool and God help you if you ever have a special needs family member.

I won't dignify you or your God with an answer... Instead I'll take the same approach I take with my wife when she's being ridiculous and simply ignore you.

Actually that's not fair... I don't always ignore her... Last time she asked me to please try to see things from her view point... I went to the kitchen and looked out the window... Didn't change my mind at all...
Have you tried to use the "My Directv" suggestion folders ?

What did D* have to say when you asked them about how this Viewing thing was suppose to work ?

Posters are up for every show, if you have the child set to select channels, this should not be a problem.

I find the Search in the D* recvrs work very well.
Why not find shows he like and Record them, then he has a Playlist of his own, with pictures and can choose what he wants to watch at any time.

How old is this child ?
Have you tried to use the "My Directv" suggestion folders ?

What did D* have to say when you asked them about how this Viewing thing was suppose to work ?

Posters are up for every show, if you have the child set to select channels, this should not be a problem.

I find the Search in the D* recvrs work very well.
Why not find shows he like and Record them, then he has a Playlist of his own, with pictures and can choose what he wants to watch at any time.

How old is this child ?

I haven't, nor do I intend to ask D* about it... That's why I asked here, first and foremost to see if it was just something I was missing... If it's not, then hopefully it's coming... If it isn't even on the plate (not sure why their page says that if not) then maybe they'll see the mention and at least consider it for the future...

As for the posters (that are displayed to the right in the guide) that ONLY works on the DVR... On the standard HD receiver (with 0x576) there are no posters that display... In fact, the "My DirecTV" isn't an option on non-DVR receivers either... I presume this is because there is no internal storage to download and store the posters on.

As a feature, that's why it would be nice if in a "whole home" setup, the receivers could "connect" to the main DVR and use the posters stored there for this purpose...

And my son is 4...
I haven't, nor do I intend to ask D* about it... That's why I asked here, first and foremost to see if it was just something I was missing... If it's not, then hopefully it's coming... If it isn't even on the plate (not sure why their page says that if not) then maybe they'll see the mention and at least consider it for the future...

As for the posters (that are displayed to the right in the guide) that ONLY works on the DVR... On the standard HD receiver (with 0x576) there are no posters that display... In fact, the "My DirecTV" isn't an option on non-DVR receivers either... I presume this is because there is no internal storage to download and store the posters on.

As a feature, that's why it would be nice if in a "whole home" setup, the receivers could "connect" to the main DVR and use the posters stored there for this purpose...

And my son is 4...

I did not know this ..... Seeing I only have DVR's now, I guess I wouldn't have any way to see the difference.

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