Hi All, first all, nice site here,so glad it's here
ok to my ?... i am supposed to get installed on 3/15/04, i ordered the 0 down deal with va va voom pak. with 4 voom stb, will i have to pay for a 4 way muti swtich & if so what is a good price for one, allso if i do have to pay for it can i go ahead & get a 6 way muti switch in case i need to add one more stb later down the road, right now i am with DTV with 4 stb & i might drop them if i like voom better, i have 2 hdtv & 2 sd tv...i just hope i will be happy with the sd on the non hdtv's compared to dtv...
Anyway any help with the muti switch will be great.....Thanks All

Anyway any help with the muti switch will be great.....Thanks All