Most of the processing will be handled by the add-on module. I assume the box has enough HP (CPU, memory) since engineers at Motorola planned for this module from the beginning. We shall see...occammd said:will the present STB support MPG4/WM9 when it comes out, or does itnot have enough horsepower?
Dvlos said:I have my STBs leased right now, but if Voom becomes more stable and grows a solid base I'd buy their STBs and save on the lease fees.
You ought to try one first - not being tied to the networks scheduling is GREAT - watch what you want when YOU want to or can. Skipping over commercials on recorded programs is GREAT!!! Pausing a live show to answer the phone or make a bio break is GREAT!!wase4711 said:and, dont forget the fact that not EVERYONE wants a DVR; ..
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