Usually Winegard Sensar II.Neutron said:What OTA antenna comes with the Voom installation? I want to research it and make sure it will fit my needs for the HD OTA programming.
The Stone Man said:I think you are talking about the Winegard SquareShooter. That would be an upgrade, and I've read where some people have gotten this antenna as an upgrade after their first attempt didn't work too well.
From what I've read recently, Installs, Inc will first use the SensarII. If that doesn't work, they upgrade to an 8 bay antenna from either Winegard or ChannelMaster. After that--some have received the SquareShooter.
WickedDyno said:They are no longer installing the stealth. The standard installation is a Winegard Sensar II amplified antenna powered by the receiver voltage (and therefore requiring diplexers or a non-included power inserter). This antenna is rated for light green and approx. 30 miles. It is also bidirectional so if you have two groups of stations in two approximately opposite directions you'll be able to receive both signals.
It is actually the GS-2000A, the only difference it seems, is that Voom has negotiated a lower price from Winegard by not including the power supply, hence the need for the diplexer.Neutron said:Is it the GS-2000 that they use?
occammd said:possibly, but not necessarily (that's a lot of help I know)
traylorc said:Yeah...some installers ARE still using the Stealth. I had Voom installed two weeks ago, and the installed the Sensar. I have not picked up a single HD signal with this antenna despite the fact I am less than 15 miles from all the stations.
I called Voom and requested the Square Shooter as an upgrade. Well the installer shows up yesterday to install the new antenna. He leaves the workorder on my kitchen counter as he goes outside to get the antenna. I glance down at the workorder (because I'm damn nosy) and I see that the installer was given permission to install the 8 bay antenna. Not the Square Shooter I requested, but I have heard the 8 bay is a decent antenna.
Anyway, the installer returns and he is carry the Stealth. I looked at him and told him point blank to take that piece of s*it out of my apartment. I then asked were is the 8 bay antenna. The installer looks at me with a blank stare, and I point to HIS workorder. He apologized and told me that was the antenna he was given as his boss just recently managed to snag a bunch of the Stealth antennas. I told him that given the documented issues with that antenna, no wonder he was able to pick them up in bulk. I told him I want the 8 bay antenna that was approved by Voom. He apologized once again and said he will reschedule me for a later time and brinb the correct antenna.
So we will try it again on Thursday....
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