pdqbobe said:Hello everyone.... I got my Voom installed 2/28/04 and would like to know what is the latest firmware ..Mine is 5.08 ...Had one lock up last night. Rebooted it and was ok.
Do I need a new reciever or do I need a new upgrade firmware?
Ilya said:Some people reported their STBs showing BravoHD or HDN on channel 261.
zmwp01 said:Thank you Sean!
Is it standard to show "Off Air Signal Power 0"?
I believe my OTA antenna has a power injector at the receiver end.
What is the most current vers#?
I chose not to use the diplexer and have direct coaxs for the LNB and OTA.Sean Mota said:Current software version is V00.05.08.
If the OTA channel is off air then, yes "0" will be standard. The injector (as you call it) might be the diplexor. Are you getting all the OTA channels that you are supposed to get?
Sean Mota said:Current software version is V00.05.08.
If the OTA channel is off air then, yes "0" will be standard.
I would expect "Off Air Signal Quality" to be 0 for no signal
but I figured the "Off Air Signal Power" was maybe for the
antenna power.
zmwp01 said:I chose not to use the diplexer and have direct coaxs for the LNB and OTA.
The power injector is for the Stealth amplifier.
I am missing PBS - 38 from my local map but the rest seem to be there.
How do I do this trick, is it a remote trick, or is it somthing done on the receiver itself?Ilya said:I've found another bug (or two) in the satellite channel mapping. Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:
1. Tune to one of the following channels: 204, 206, 226, 229, 261, or 262 (any channel with 1309.375 frequency).
2. Using the usual "9-8-8" trick, get to the hidden menu (where you do factory resets).
See this thread for details.darthjedi said:How do I do this trick, is it a remote trick, or is it somthing done on the receiver itself?
Ilya said:3. Select the first menu item "manual tuning."
(For a moment you will see "Left_Horiz" polarity selected, and then the check-mark will jump to "Right_Ve". I believe this is a bug itself: It looks like most of the VOOM's channels are set to "Right_Ve" polarity, except for these select channels, which are set to "Left_Horiz" polarity, but the program doesn't show that.)
Brent said:New member, glad to find some Voomers!
Got connected last Tuesday, it's great to put my DLP set to use. I was an early DirecTV adopter also, but I have to say Voom is a little rough around the edges. My 7 year old Sony receiver with it's original firmware is still ahead of the Voom unit with respect to intuative menu functions and channel surfing capabilities. I am hoping this will be updated soon. This is a disapointment for me because I really expected a "best of breed" receiver with all of the lessons learned on the DirecTV and Dish network units out there.
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