Doesn't CableVision Own VOOM?
Do you all think after the court case Cablevision will drop Voom?
What Voom Product is the rest of the world buying?Why?
The rest of the world is buying Voom products.
The rest of the world is buying Voom products.
The whole world?
I have to ask this too. The whole world? Who else is?What Voom Product is the rest of the world buying?
I have to ask this too. The whole world? Who else is?
So yes, in my opinion...with E* retaining exclusive rights to Voom, and Voom's ultimate failure to market itself better when then had the chance, Doomed Voom to go Boom because when other mainstream channels starting going HD all over the place, the general public KNEW they liked Nick, CNN, Speed, SciFi, etc...knew they would like them even better in HD, and sadly great channels like GalleryHD, MonstersHD, and UltraHD were just names to them. And many people would rather stick with the familiar than experiment with the unknown. And thats why the mainstream remains the mainstream...
Thats why I say Voom would need to rebrand itself in order to stay alive. Those that loved it still love it, and those who don't love it, hate it, or have never seen it, have quite decisively made up their mind that they do not want or or need it. Its doubthful that anyone except for the dedicated few like myself, are going to go out of their way for Voom programming any time soon, and its equally doubtful that they would ever have the momentum at this point to attract any new viewers. A re-branding is necessary if Voom ever wants to get out of the shadow of just being considered an elitist niche offering...
Once again you are passing your opinion off as fact. Unless you worked for VOOM marketing and distribution you don't know that they weren't working on other deals. Just like you don't know how much was spent on producing content. All you know is what Dish is claiming and you seem to make up the rest to fit you pet theory.Voom decided that they would rather sit on their hands with what they thought was a "guaranteed" source of income, trying to exploit what they thought was a loophole ($100M on whatever, not on programming, so they thought) rather than marketing themselves to other providers. That was Voom's failure and Voom's alone. For the same reasons Voom didn't bother marketing to the public. Up until Feb, anyone who signed up for Dish HD programming had to get Voom. They decided it was easier to sit on their hands than market. Thus, they never became popular. A Voom failing.
VOOM HD Networks comprise the world's largest suite of high-definition channels for distribution through satellite and cable operators. Produced exclusively in true high-definition and 5.1 Dolby digital surround sound, VOOM HD Networks carry programming in categories as diverse as sports, movies, fashion, music and art. VOOM HD Networks' 15 HDTV channels are available in the U.S. on Echostar's DISH Network and Cablevision's iO digital cable service. A 24/7 linear VOOM HD channel is available internationally and is currently distributed in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Select VOOM HD programming is also available worldwide and has been licensed for exhibition in more than 150 countries. Building on Rainbow Media Holdings LLC's history of original programming innovation, VOOM HD was developed to meet the growing worldwide demand for quality high-definition programming.
International Treasure HD Channel from Voom HD on Dish Network Filming Treasure Segment Surrounding Lithium Powered Vehicles | Hybrid Technologies
Once again you are passing your opinion off as fact. Unless you worked for VOOM marketing and distribution you don't know that they weren't working on other deals. Just like you don't know how much was spent on producing content. All you know is what Dish is claiming and you seem to make up the rest to fit you pet theory.
Please, show me where I've put the blame on anyone. I've said all along that without access to the contracts we don't have enough information to make a determination about who is at fault. However, there are two sides to the lawsuit the courts will decide who was at fault. Making stuff up because it fits your personal interpretation of the facts doesn't prove anything except that you're biased.Just a theory that fits the facts. If Voom really wanted to be carried elsewhere, don't you think they would have? And Voom fully admitted in their court filings that they spent less than $100M a year. And they admit they included overhead cost in their determination of the required spending.
And yes, they could have been working on other deals. But unless they were reasonale in their expectations, the deal wouldn't get done. Like I said, it takes 2 to tango, and it seems no one, not Time warner, Comcast, Uverse, Fios, or DirecTV can work out a deal to carry any Voom network.
What is your explanation as to why no Voom channel has turned up on any other provider?
But it's still just easiest to put all the balme on Charlie, isn't it?
Just a theory that fits the facts. If Voom really wanted to be carried elsewhere, don't you think they would have? And Voom fully admitted in their court filings that they spent less than $100M a year. And they admit they included overhead cost in their determination of the required spending.
And yes, they could have been working on other deals. But unless they were reasonale in their expectations, the deal wouldn't get done. Like I said, it takes 2 to tango, and it seems no one, not Time warner, Comcast, Uverse, Fios, or DirecTV can work out a deal to carry any Voom network.
What is your explanation as to why no Voom channel has turned up on any other provider?
But it's still just easiest to put all the balme on Charlie, isn't it?
Unfortunately the Voom situation again makes us in the US look like we don't appreciate, culture, design, music, eclectic cinema and sports as much as others. That stupid idea, you have to dumb it down or we don't understand it.
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