2008,2007,2006define new - i have already shown that voom added new shows and new episodes of shows every month.
2008,2007,2006define new - i have already shown that voom added new shows and new episodes of shows every month.
I could chime in here with a one word sentence, But since there's only 1 Voom thread, thats not needed.
Actually, I don't give a rats ass about how much VOOM did or didn't spend - it's not about that. I want to know what is going to happen to all the content that they have in their vaults. I don't care if they bring VOOM back as long as the content gets back on the air on a commercial free HD channel or group of channels.
There is no such thing. It takes 2 words to be a complete sentence. At least a subject & a verb. Such as VOOM was great or VOOM sucked. A single word is just and exclamation.
I agree...and it will only continue to go in circles until there is a court ruling. In another thread, I mentioned VOOM should close-out E*'s equity ownership of VOOM HD Networks LLC (both parties admit VOOM has been losing money), transfer assets to Rainbow Media, and transform the former VOOM product (channels, programming, operations, marketing, etc.). Otherwise, VOOM will effectively be awaiting the Death Sentence while the folks at CableVision wait for a verdict. Domestically, VOOM will exist only on Cablevision and they will loop content for the next year or two since it makes no sense to spend money on something you are killing. As we all know, VOOM dying a slow death will only bolster their case against E* should the court rule in their favor.This debate is just going in circles. There is no objective definition of what is an acceptable level of new programming. Some posters saw too little and some saw enough. But endlessly citing that thee was some new HD really doesn't solve anything---nor does posting that there was NOT enough.
I see the case as consisting of two issues: EchoStar states VOOM failed to meet the Section 10 Spend Requirement, and they also claim VOOM failed to Certify Section 4 compliance requiring XX amount of hours of non-repetative programming per month by channel type. VOOM says they exceeded the Spend Requirement and Certified programming as per Section 4.The only thing to really debate is whether VOOM met the spend requirement---but that was based on $ not hours of HD content. And we have already seen that folks pretty much line up in the normal pro or anti VOOM camps on that one.
I praise when I receive good service, and I voice my displeasure when I receive poor service. I have no doubt that I have both praised and criticised VOOM hundreds of times over the years.Spatch said:interesting quotes from those links:
Originally Posted by riffjim4069
Is it me or has the programming lineup been a little weak over the summer?
Originally Posted by riffjim4069
I hope this isn't like the Monster Truck Rally that was supposed to air back in Nobember 2004...we're still waiting.
A single word is just and exclamation.
It's my belief that Charlie signed that lucrative (excessive?) deal with VOOM knowing that those terms would keep VOOM off of Direct (and probably cable systems as well) which was his goal at the time.
Hey, that person would be me...This is in response to those who question what was Charlie thinking when he signed that contract with VOOM.
I can't argue with your assessment of the situation...
It's my belief that Charlie signed that lucrative (excessive?) deal with VOOM knowing that those terms would keep VOOM off of Direct (and probably cable systems as well) which was his goal at the time. In his mind he knew that when the time came he would come up with an excuse to dump VOOM and the contract he signed would wind its way endlessly through the court system ultimately ending with some out of court settlement favorable to Charlie. I don't think Charlie intends for this litigation to go so far as to result in a ruling by a judge.
I would have said "Cheesedick", but I understand your point.
Smart guy.
Thats just a peculiarity of the English language. In some other languages sometimes the noun is not part of the complete sentence because it is already understood based on context. So there is no need to say it again.
Anyways back to the topic. While the repeats on VOOM were pretty bad the quality was second to none. One thing Dish doesnt have yet is AMC-HD. I'm visiting friends at the moment and they have Comcast. Red October was on. I had seen it earlier on HDNetmovies and it was also recently on UniHD. The quality on both was very good and no stretchovision. Anyways, not only was the movie on AMC-HD stretched but the quality was worse than a good letterboxed SD broadcast zoomed in by my HDTV. Perhaps that particular movie was an annomaly but channels like that I can do without.
Yes Red October was a repeat. But the last time it was shown I think was at least a year before (a few months before I signed up with Dish). Not like the Kurosawa movies showing every single month. True classics but that was pretty ridiculous.
Yes, and all those quotes were for one particular channel not the whole package.
Yep, for years many wondered why VOOM refused to unbundled their 15-channel lineup, and now we know....shame on 'em both.It could work both ways. VOOM knew that since Charlie didnt want them going to other providers (an assumption on my part but sounds logical) that they could get away with things they otherwise wouldnt have been able to. It was a multi-million dollar game of chicken and things should have been worked out by both in good faith before it got this far. Shame on them both.
My bottom line:
E* illegally terminated the Affiliation Agreement because, IMO, it will cost them less in the long run to litigate the matter than to pay VOOM more than 1 billion in affiliation fees dollars over the next 12-years.
E* signed a bad agreement (paying a premium 2005 price for HD for then next 12 years when HD is no longer a premium service) and wanted a better deal. What was Charlie thinking when he signed that deal? I guess he was thinking VOOM was going to market the channels like they did the Rainbow Media ones (AMC, IFC, WE, Fuse) and get a better deal down the road (Best Customer status), and perhaps a nice share of the profits should some of the VOOM channels like Monsters, Equator and RAVE become widely distributed.
VOOM was happy with the Affiliation Agreement (it was a very sweet deal for them), they did not wish to renegotiate the contract, and they had no incentive to market VOOM to D*, Cable or the Telcos since, contractually, they were required to offer similar terms to E*. That's why VOOM would not break up the 15-channel lineup, and it's why they were still charging 2005 prices for their HD programming.
VOOM is pursuing the case because there is a lot of money at stake, and they like their odds of prevailing in the courtroom. Cablevision appears to be killing off VOOM (sticking the entire 15-channel lineup on Cablevision only) because marketing the channels may only hurt their case against E*. Again, this is my opion which I base completely on my interpretation of the few facts presented, along with a little common sense.
Both E* and VOOM have screwed over their customers to various degrees for the reason I just mentioned. It's no longer a matter of which one is the scumbag...it's a matter of which company is the biggest scumbag.
Of course, my opinion is just that...MY OPINION. Without having access to Confidential Information, just about all options other than the "VOOM Sucks" or "VOOM Rocks" are just as valid...but mine is the only one that matters to me.
Finally, I love debate and respect people, like Geronimo, who have formed different opinions, but are respectful of others and post facts to support their position. If unhappy VOOM customers are blaming E* 100% for dropping VOOM HD...don't! E* made a calculated business decision whether you like it or not.
All included in the SUPPORTER package.Thanks for the english lesson!
AND, the premiums take your money and still show 99% crap. So you could easily have a Netflix account and saved the trouble.Well, Crap in OAr HD is still crap. It seems like Voom bought low budget filler for the most part and had some quality programming mixed in. Which you can say about any channel, but voom replayed the crap more than the quality. Also, there was months and months where all the played was the crap.
All sorts of benifits.All included in the SUPPORTER package.
Impossible - the post began with proof that new shows and new episodes were being shown so how could someone's comment that nothing new was on be applied to the WHOLE PACKAGE?Nope, they were for the whole package.
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