I was scheduled for a noon install today. Installer shows up around 2:30 p.m., with a call preceding his arrival by 30 minutes. I gotta say, I am VERY unhappy with the staller's approach to getting me voomin. A quick walk around the house, he announces that he wants to attach the dish to my deck. I told him I didn't want it there, that I wanted it in the same place the D* dish was,... on my roof. I asked him were he wanted to place the OTA, he said on the deck as well. It didn't take long to recognize that this guy just didn't want to get up in the air. Was it fear? Don't know. The way he kept looking at his watch, it was probably a time thing going on with him. He did say he didn't have a long enough ladder, and I'm familiar with the 40 foot threshold, but in my case, that's BS. I've had several D* installers and upgraders up there with no hints of problems or suggestion of a special installation requirement. I'm just one heartbeat away from tagging this guy "Lazy".
I was on the phone with VoOm before the guy could get make his way back up my dead-end street. V* wanted to re-schedule me for the 31st. Unacceptable. Then they told me to hold. Then a promises of a call-back. Call came 20 minutes later. The 31st turned into the 28th. I pushed again. Another hold. "Would a different installer tomorrow by OK?" Why yes!!!
I've heard some horror stories in here concerning installation, but never thought it would happen to me. I never really gave it much attention, just read the posts. I'm hoping it was just this one guy. Of the 5-6 D* visits I've had over the years (the original install, repairs & upgrades), it's clear that there is a difference in installation quality and professionalism.
I will say this though, VoOm was right on it. Big props VoOm! Now if I can only get a signal.