I agree with the spirit of your statement, but the problem is that for Cablevision, who is stuck with not only the assets, but also the debt, Rainbow Media decreases the value of their stock. Technically, that makes RM less than worthless for an equity owner. The issue is why would Charlie, or anyone for that matter, buy just programming from V*? Especially when he could have the whole thing, and have Cablevision thanking him for buying, for very little money (just assume some, but not all, of the debt).HeavyC said:It's hardly worthless. Rainbow Media may be worthless on its own as a continuing investment, but VOOM absorbed into a company that can properly use it would have subustantial value.
Sean Mota said:Rainbow Media is more than the 21 Exclusives. They own probably the entire library of movies on the Monster channels since they acquired a whole library of movies last year or the year before.
bruce said:They do not own the movies,they have the rights to show the movies,as do other movie channels,like for example "The Terminator" which I believe was on Voom will be on HDNet Movies in about two weeks,and I know there have been others that have been on Voom and on other channels,cable or other wise.When older movies become of certain age,studios will sell the rights to show to as many channels as they can to make as much as they can off them.
By the way,I ran the spell check on this post,I love how it wants to change Voom to Boom.
Actually, Microsoft is buying VOOM. They will migrate the service to 100% WM9 to demonstrate that they have the best codec in the industry.Dvlos said:I think Voom's going to buy Dish... yep.
riffjim4069 said:Excuse my ignorance, but is it possible to replace the Smart Card, install an add-on module, and update the firmware to support the different crypto technology? I don't know why any sane individual would do this, but is it possible?
I guess my question is would these upgrades (Smart Card, add-on module and firmware) be enough to enable the VOOM STB the ability to process anE* (DVB-S) signal?CKNA said:It is not only encryption. Digicipher2 is encryption and transmision together. You can send Digicipher2 in the clear (unscrambled) but even then it is totally incompatible with DVB-S standard.
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